Hi all,
I am trying to configure a JDBCAppender in log4j 2.0-beta9-SNAPSHOT, with a pre-existing DataSource managed via Spring; such DataSource is used by the rest of Syncope.

I have tried, without success. to provide a custom ConnectionSource or a ConnectionFactory: the point is that, when log4j2 initializes, the Spring context is yet to be built, hence no beans (including the DataSource referenced above) are available.

I have read from [1] that log4j2 features an "automatic configuration": is there any way to disable it and invoke it manually later?

Thanks for your support.

[1] http://logging.apache.org/log4j/2.x/manual/configuration.html#AutomaticConfiguration

Francesco Chicchiriccò

ASF Member, Apache Syncope PMC chair, Apache Cocoon PMC Member

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