change the pattern layout strings for the output appender to log the full class name: I suspect the appender has a format like %c{1}; if you change that to just %c you should get the entire class.... ■ DOUGLAS E. WEGSCHEID // Lead Analyst, Directories (269) 923-5278 // "A wrong note played hesitatingly is a wrong note. A wrong note played with conviction is interpretation."
Alain Désilets <> 10/30/2013 12:25 PM Please respond to "Log4J Users List" <> To cc Subject How to tell which logger to disable This must be a really basic question, but I can't find the answer anywhere. I have a servlet, and whenever I run it, I get log4j messages that look like this: --- 2013-10-30 11:47:57 ERROR jericho:? - Child Element <script >-</script> ((r4965,c1,p137917)-(r5003,c10,p139558)) extends beyond end of parent Element <div >-</div> ((r4784,c1,p99808)-(r4971,c15,p138324)) --- I want to disable those message. My question is this: "Can I tell from the above message, what name to use to access the logger I want to disable?" From the message, it looks like 'jericho' is part of the name, but I presume it's not the complete name. Indeed, if I write this in the constructor of my servlet, I still get the log messages: Logger.getLogger("jericho").setLevel(Level.OFF); By looking around my code, I guessed that the log messages were probably created by a third party class net.htmlparser.jericho that I use. And indeed, I was able to disable the message as follows: Logger.getLogger("net.htmlparser.jericho").setLevel(Level.OFF); In this case, it was pretty easy, because jericho is a pretty distinctive class name. But sometimes I see messages where the name of the class is something more generic like "Client". In a situation like this, how do I know which package the class is in? Thx. Alain Désilets