Yes that was the problem, I forgot to mark it as plugin. Now it works,
thank you

On Friday, August 29, 2014, Matt Sicker <> wrote:

> Is VanillaLogAppenderConfig also marked as a @Plugin and everything?
> On 28 August 2014 05:13, lb < <javascript:;>> wrote:
> > I'm writing a custom appender and I have a problem setting up
> > PluginElement:
> >
> > The xml definition is the following one:
> >
> >  <BinaryVanillaChronicle name="CONF-BINARY-VANILLA-CHRONICLE">
> >
> >
> >
> <path>${}/chronology-log4j2/conf-binary-vanilla-chronicle</path>
> >     <formatMessage>false</formatMessage>
> >     <includeCallerData>false</includeCallerData>
> >
>  <includeMappedDiagnosticContext>false</includeMappedDiagnosticContext>
> >     <chronicleConfig>
> >         <dataCacheCapacity>128</dataCacheCapacity>
> >     </chronicleConfig>
> > </BinaryVanillaChronicle>
> >
> > And the PluginFactory method is:
> > @PluginFactory
> > public static BinaryVanillaChronicleAppender createAppender(
> >     @PluginAttribute("name") final String name,
> >     @PluginAttribute("path") final String path,
> >     @PluginAttribute("formatMessage") final String formatMessage,
> >     @PluginAttribute("includeCallerData") final String includeCallerData,
> >     @PluginAttribute("includeMappedDiagnosticContext") final String
> > includeMappedDiagnosticContext,
> >     @PluginElement("chronicleConfig") final VanillaLogAppenderConfig
> > chronicleConfig,
> >     @PluginElement("filters") final Filter filter)
> >
> > When I run it, I have the following messages:
> > 2014-08-28 12:12:29,247 ERROR appenders contains an invalid element or
> > attribute "BinaryVanillaChronicle"
> > 2014-08-28 12:12:29,267 ERROR Unable to locate appender
> > BINARY-VANILLA-CHRONICLE for logger binary-vanilla-chronicle
> > 2014-08-28 12:12:29,268 ERROR Unable to locate appender
> > BINARY-VANILLA-CHRONICLE-FMT for logger binary-vanilla-chronicle-fmt
> > 2014-08-28 12:12:29,268 ERROR Unable to locate appender
> > PERF-BINARY-VANILLA-CHRONICLE for logger perf-binary-vanilla-chronicle
> >
> > The full code is on
> >
> >
> >
> > What's wrong with my setup?
> >
> --
> Matt Sicker < <javascript:;>>

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