share the configuration file.

Harinath Mallepally
Careerscale IT Consulting LLP
+91 9391920444 / 040-42100276

On Mon, Oct 6, 2014 at 2:17 PM, sujatha rdn <> wrote:

> Hi,
> I have migrated to log4j2 with slf4j adapter. But I am facing some issues.
> 1.       When I add configuration status <configuration status=”trace”> I
> don’t see any logs related to log4j in my catalina logs
> 2.       And also, I have 5 loggers mapped to 5 different rolling files.
> But only 4 files get created in the specified location and in that only one
> files gets updated with the logs.
> Here are some details that you want to know before you suggest me a
> solution.
> 1.       I am working on servlet 2.5 web application and our container is
> tomcat 7.
> 2.       I am using slf4j adapter as interface in my application to access
> log4j2
> Do please let me know if you need any further details to help me out.
> Thanks,
> Sujatha

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