Let's say we have a schema where one of the properties is "category".  
"category" could be "info", "warn", "business", "audit", etc.  I could use that 
property to forward the events to the appropriate places.  We don't have that 
property because I guess we don't think we need it.  The current thinking is 
that level will tell us whether an event is a business event or some other type 
of event.

The problem with:

logger.info(BUSINESS, msg)

is that you could also do:

logger.debug(BUSINESS, msg);
logger.fatal(BUSINESS, msg);
logger.error(BUSINESS, msg);

the users will ask us which one they should use.  If they are all going to do 
the same thing then that's a problem.  You don't want n ways to do the same 
thing as that will just cause confusion.


> Subject: Re: approach for defining loggers
> From: ralph.go...@dslextreme.com
> Date: Tue, 8 Sep 2015 19:24:32 -0700
> To: log4j-user@logging.apache.org
> Can you please clarify, “If we had some way to know an event is a business 
> event we wouldn’t need level”?  I do not understand how you can code 
> logger.log(BUSINESS, msg)  but you cannot code logger.info(BUSINESS, msg).
> Ralph
> > On Sep 8, 2015, at 6:09 PM, Nicholas Duane <nic...@msn.com> wrote:
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > I looked over that stackoverflow post and I'm still not seeing a good match 
> > as a way for us to log our business events.
> > 
> > A business event I guess is an event which extends whatever schema we come 
> > up with for a business event.  While an instance of this schema could be 
> > logged at any level, that really doesn't make sense in our scenario, 
> > regardless of whether some marker was supplied.  If we had some way to know 
> > an event is a business event we wouldn't need level.  We could of course 
> > add some property to our schema which indicates the 'category' of the 
> > event, 'business' being one such category.  Instead we were thinking we 
> > could just use level to indicate that an event is a business event.
> > 
> > As I mentioned, we're looking to capture 'trace' level events to one store, 
> > 'info' - 'fatal' level events to another store, and 'business' events to 
> > yet another store.  For 'trace' and 'info' - 'fatal' it seems reasonable to 
> > filter on level within the appender to get those events to the appropriate 
> > location.  It seemed reasonable to do something similar for 'business'.
> > 
> > I also looked into the EventLogger but not sure that's appropriate.  For 
> > one we lose the granularity to control a specific piece of code from 
> > generating business events.  This is most likely a non-issue as I have 
> > mentioned that we don't want to turn business logging off.  The other is 
> > that we lose the name of the logger as it would be the same for everyone.  
> > Not sure this is that big a deal either as I guess you might be able to 
> > capture component name, though I would rather distinguish using logger name.
> > 
> > Thanks,
> > Nick
> > 
> >> From: ralph.go...@dslextreme.com
> >> Subject: Re: approach for defining loggers
> >> Date: Mon, 7 Sep 2015 20:39:11 -0700
> >> To: log4j-user@logging.apache.org
> >> 
> >> I still don’t understand why you don’t want to use Markers. They were 
> >> designed exactly for the use case you are describing.  
> >> 
> >> You might set retention policies for debug vs info, error and fatal, but a 
> >> BUSINESS marker could cross-cut them all.  That is exactly why it is NOT a 
> >> level. IOW, it gives you a second dimension for filtering. Ceki invented 
> >> Markers when he created SLF4J. For his point of view see 
> >> http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16813032/what-is-markers-in-java-logging-frameworks-and-that-is-a-reason-to-use-them
> >>  
> >> <http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16813032/what-is-markers-in-java-logging-frameworks-and-that-is-a-reason-to-use-them>.
> >> 
> >> Ralph
> >> 
> >> 
> >> 
> >> 
> >>> On Sep 7, 2015, at 5:54 PM, Nicholas Duane <nic...@msn.com> wrote:
> >>> 
> >>> If I'm attempting to control all the logging from the configuration and I 
> >>> don't know the complete set of loggers in my application as there could 
> >>> be 100's or 1000's, wouldn't it be hard to separate events based on 
> >>> loggers?  It would seem much easier to separate events based on level.  
> >>> In addition, level might be a more reasonable approach for separating.  
> >>> For example, if I want to send all events to some big-data backend I 
> >>> might want to separate out traces and debug from info to fatal as traces 
> >>> and debug are most likely less important from a systems management 
> >>> aspect.  My retention period for traces and debug might be just a couple 
> >>> days.  The retention period for info to fatal could be 30 days.  Business 
> >>> level might be 2 years.  Any system management notifications would 
> >>> probably be driven off of info to fatal events and not trace and debug 
> >>> events, which is another reason you might want to separate by level.  
> >>> 
> >>> Thanks,
> >>> Nick
> >>> 
> >>>> Subject: Re: approach for defining loggers
> >>>> From: ralph.go...@dslextreme.com
> >>>> Date: Mon, 31 Aug 2015 08:50:58 -0700
> >>>> To: log4j-user@logging.apache.org
> >>>> 
> >>>> A logging “Level” is a level of importance. That is why there is a 
> >>>> hierarchy. If you want informational messages then you also would want 
> >>>> warnings and errors.
> >>>> 
> >>>> “BUSINESS” does not convey the same meaning.  Rather, it is some sort of 
> >>>> category, which is what Markers are for.
> >>>> 
> >>>> Using the class name as the logger name is a convention. If you really 
> >>>> want the class name, method name or line number then you should be 
> >>>> specifying that you want those from the logging event, rather than the 
> >>>> logger name.  Unless location information is disabled you always have 
> >>>> access to that information.
> >>>> 
> >>>> In short, different loggers are used primarily as a way of grouping sets 
> >>>> of messages - for example all org.hibernate events can be routed to a 
> >>>> specific appender or turned off en masse. Levels are used to filter out 
> >>>> noise across a set of logging events. Markers are used to categorize 
> >>>> logging events by arbitrary attributes.
> >>>> 
> >>>> Ralph
> >>>> 
> >>>> 
> >>>>> On Aug 31, 2015, at 8:10 AM, Nicholas Duane <nic...@msn.com> wrote:
> >>>>> 
> >>>>> Thanks for the feedback.  I will look into Markers and MDC.
> >>>>> 
> >>>>> With respect to using a separate logger, it would seem I would lose the 
> >>>>> information about what application code, eg. the class logger, is 
> >>>>> sourcing the event.  We would like to have this information.  On top of 
> >>>>> that, it seems odd, maybe to me only, that for this new level we have 
> >>>>> our own logger.  It seemed reasonable to me that this new event we want 
> >>>>> to capture is just a new level.  Just like a DEBUG event is different 
> >>>>> from an INFO event.  If I define a BUSINESS level why would that not 
> >>>>> follow the same design as the current levels?  You wouldn't suggest 
> >>>>> having different loggers for TRACE DEBUG INFO WARN ERROR FATAL, would 
> >>>>> you?  I think one of the reasons someone on our side is suggesting I 
> >>>>> have separate loggers is that they think the overhead of filtering at 
> >>>>> the appender is going to have a noticeable impact.  Our plan, at least 
> >>>>> the one I have now in my head, is that we'll have some number of 
> >>>>> appenders in the root.  We'll then filter x < INFO events to a tracing 
> >>>>> appender, INFO <= x <= FATAL to a logging appender, and our custom 
> >>>>> level will go to another appender.  Thoughts?
> >>>>> 
> >>>>> Thanks,
> >>>>> Nick
> >>>>> 
> >>>>>> Subject: Re: approach for defining loggers
> >>>>>> From: ralph.go...@dslextreme.com
> >>>>>> Date: Sat, 29 Aug 2015 20:59:36 -0700
> >>>>>> To: log4j-user@logging.apache.org
> >>>>>> 
> >>>>>> 
> >>>>>>> On Aug 29, 2015, at 7:44 PM, Nicholas Duane <nic...@msn.com> wrote:
> >>>>>>> 
> >>>>>>> I'm curious if there is a prescribed approach to defining loggers.  
> >>>>>>> Let me state what my assumption is.  I assume that normally if some 
> >>>>>>> piece of code wants to log events/messages that it should create a 
> >>>>>>> logger for itself.  I guess a reasonable name to use is the class 
> >>>>>>> name itself.  In terms of logger configuration I would expect that no 
> >>>>>>> loggers are specified in the log4j configuration UNLESS is needs 
> >>>>>>> settings other than the default.  The root logger would specify the 
> >>>>>>> default settings, eg. level and appenders.  If some piece of code 
> >>>>>>> tied to a logger needs to enable tracing in order to debug an issue 
> >>>>>>> then you would add that logger to the configuration and set the level 
> >>>>>>> less specific for that logger.  Is this a typical and reasonable 
> >>>>>>> approach?
> >>>>>> 
> >>>>>> What you describe here is the common convention. It is a reasonable 
> >>>>>> approach.
> >>>>>> 
> >>>>>>> 
> >>>>>>> I asked because we have the need for a new type of event.  To have 
> >>>>>>> this event flow to where we want it to flow the plan is to have a 
> >>>>>>> custom level and have all events at that level captured by a specific 
> >>>>>>> appender.  My assumption was that for existing applications we'd just 
> >>>>>>> need to add our appender to the root and add our custom level.  The 
> >>>>>>> app would need to be modified to log our new event at the custom 
> >>>>>>> level.  However, someone suggested that we could also create a 
> >>>>>>> separate logger for this event.  My thinking is that while we don't 
> >>>>>>> ever want to turn off logging of this event, loggers represent "event 
> >>>>>>> sources", e.g the code raising the events and thus having multiple 
> >>>>>>> different pieces of code use the same logger wouldn't allow you to 
> >>>>>>> turn on/off logging from those different sections of code 
> >>>>>>> independently.  I think the current configuration includes all the 
> >>>>>>> loggers.  Normally I would expect there to be many, on the order of 
> >>>>>>> 10's or 100's, loggers within an application.  However, in the case I 
> >>>>>>> was given there were only a handful because I think this handful is 
> >>>>>>> shared.  So as I mentioned, this doesn't sound like an ideal design 
> >>>>>>> as you have less granularity on what you can turn on/off.
> >>>>>> 
> >>>>>> You have a few options. Using a CustomLevel would not be the option I 
> >>>>>> would choose.  Creating a custom Logger will certainly work and makes 
> >>>>>> routing the message to the appropriate appender rather easy.  Another 
> >>>>>> approach is to use Markers.  Markers are somewhat hierarchical so you 
> >>>>>> can use them for a variety of purposes.  If you look at how Log4j 
> >>>>>> handles event logging it actually does both - it specifies EventLogger 
> >>>>>> as the name of the logger to use and it uses Markers to identify the 
> >>>>>> kind of event.
> >>>>>> 
> >>>>>> A third option is to use the MDC or Logger properties. If you do that 
> >>>>>> then you can have information included in the actual logging event 
> >>>>>> that can affect how it is routed. I also built a system that uses the 
> >>>>>> RFC5424 format so that the event could have lots of key/value pairs to 
> >>>>>> identify the events.
> >>>>>> 
> >>>>>> Unfortunately, without knowing more details I don’t know that I can 
> >>>>>> give you a better idea on how I would implement it.
> >>>>>> 
> >>>>>> Ralph
> >>>>>> 
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> >>>> 
> >>>> 
> >>>> 
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> >> 
> > 
> >                                       
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