Hi everyone,

I tested the flume appender for log4j2. My configuration XML looks like

<Configuration status="ERROR" name="some_name">




        <Flume name="FLUME" compress="true">
        <Agent host="${FLUME_HOST}" port="${FLUME_PORT}"/>
        <PatternLayout pattern="${LOG_PATTERN}"/>
        <ThresholdFilter level="INFO" onMatch="ACCEPT" onMismatch="DENY"/>

        <Root level="DEBUG">
                <AppenderRef ref="FLUME"/>

And I build my application with maven assembly plugin to get an uber jar
which contains all dependencies (I want to ship a single jar file to all
the destination runtime environments).

When I start the application I get the following error:
ERROR Error processing element Flume ([Appenders: null]): CLASS_NOT_FOUND

So it looks like there is some dependency missing. But in the official doc
I read that for remote mode of the flume appender I only need the following
dependency (including the necessary log4j dependencies):




Another hint: When I start the application from eclipse, it seems to work
totally fine (at least I don't get the error from above).

So what I am doing wrong here? Has anyone some advice for me? Thanks in


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