I succeed to reproduce the issue I was suspecting to happen :

2016-06-17 15:11 GMT+02:00 Anthony Maire <maire.anth...@gmail.com>:

> Hello
> As suggested in AsyncLogger javadoc, I made some performance tests on my
> application with (Rolling)RandomAccessFile appenders configured with
> immediateFlush = false to take advantage of the potential I/O batching, and
> the results are very good :)
> However I have a question about the flush on end of batch mechanism when
> there are several appenders to flush.
> *Case one:*
> - AsyncLogger L1 has very few messages to log (let's say its a logger
> which logs only when a request fails) and has its dedicated RAF appender A1.
> - AsyncLogger L2 is very active (let's say its a logger which logs every
> request that enters the system), and has its dedicated RAF appender A2
> As far as I understand the code, both loggers use the same disruptor
> instance. Let's assume that at some time, an event E1 is submitted to the
> disruptor by L1, but the background thread doesn't wake up immediately and
> another event E2 is submitted by L2, so both events will be part of the
> same batch when the background thread wakes up
> I'm afraid that the following will happen :
> - A1 encode E1 in its buffer, but does not write to the RAF since
> event.isEndOfBatch() == false
> - Background thread now process E2, it will be encoded in A2 buffer, and
> since E2 is a end of batch event, A2 is flushed
> However A1 is not flushed and will never be until another event is logged
> to it.
> *Case Two:*
> Same kind of idea with a single AsyncLogger or AsyncAppender, 2 RAF
> appender referenced on it, one of them as a filter (or a level that is
> higher than the source level). If the end of batch event is filtered out
> for an appender, is there a mecanism that will make flush earlier events
> that were ine the same batch ?
> I try to find something in the code that will prevent this issue to
> happen, but I didn't succeed to find one. Since reproducing these cases is
> not trivial to test , I would like to have the analysis of someone who
> knows the code better than I do :)
> Regards,
> Anthony

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