Dell - Internal Use - Confidential

I am currently using Log4j version 2.3, but might be able to update to a newer 
version if that would help.

I have a log4j2.xml file containing more than thirty RollingFileAppenders (one 
per product component).  Most of these RollingFileAppenders will not be written 
to until the user turns on logging via our product's user interface.  By 
default, the AppenderRefs that reference these RollingFileAppenders have the 
"level" attribute set to a value of "OFF".  Once the user turns on logging from 
the user interface, the "level" attribute will be updated with a value of 
"INFO", "DEBUG", etc.  And, once the updated log4j2.xml file is persisted, the 
code will then call LoggerContext.reconfigure() to get Log4j to read in the new 
log4j2.xml file, so the new log levels take effect.

My question is whether there is a way to tell Log4j to defer log file creation 
when nothing will initially write to the file (e.g. all references to the 
Appender have a level of "OFF")?  Having lots of zero sized log files is not 
that big of an issue, although not completely optimal.  However, having too 
many open file handles that are not doing anything, could potentially become an 
issue.  Note that I do not have control over the number of Appenders configured 
for the product.  Each product component team contributes its Appender and 
Loggers to log4j2.xml.

To work around the open file handle issue at server startup time, I am 
currently using the Log4j2 private core API calls to loop through the 
AppenderRefs to determine which ones are "OFF", and then I'm calling the 
RollingFileAppender.stop() method to close the output stream.  If anyone has 
any ideas that would avoid creating and opening the log files in the first 
place, I'd love to hear your thoughts.

Thanks and regards,


p.s. for reference, the relevant log4j2.xml snippets follow:

        <Pattern>%d{yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss,SSS} %-5p {%C:%M} [%marker] (%t) - 
        <SizeBasedTriggeringPolicy size="50 MB"/>
      <DefaultRolloverStrategy max="10"/>
        <MarkerFilter marker="Scheduler" onMatch="ACCEPT" onMismatch="DENY"/>

    <Logger includeLocation="true" level="TRACE" name="debugLogger">
      <AppenderRef level="DEBUG" ref="debug.ModuleManager"/>
      <AppenderRef level="OFF" ref="debug.Scheduler"/>

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