
On Mon, Jul 11, 2016 at 4:31 AM, Ralph Goers <>

> The Apache Log4j 2 team is pleased to announce the Log4j 2.6.2 release!
> Apache Log4j is a well known framework for logging application behavior. 
> Log4j 2 is an upgrade
> to Log4j that provides significant improvements over its predecessor, Log4j 
> 1.x, and provides
> many other modern features such as support for Markers, lambda expressions 
> for lazy logging,
> property substitution using Lookups, multiple patterns on a PatternLayout and 
> asynchronous
> Loggers. Another notable Log4j 2 feature is the ability to be "garbage-free" 
> (avoid allocating
> temporary objects) while logging. In addition, Log4j 2 will not lose events 
> while reconfiguring.
> This is the twelfth GA release. It is primarily a bugfix release. More 
> details on the
> fixes are itemized below.
> Note that subsequent to the 2.6 release a minor source incompatibility was 
> found due to the
> addition of new methods to the Logger interface. If you have code that does:
> logger.error(null, “This is the log message”, throwable);
> or similar with any log level you will get a compiler error saying the 
> reference is ambiguous.
> To correct this either do:
> logger.error(“This is the log message”, throwable);
> or
> logger.error((Marker) null, “This is the log message”, throwable);
> Log4j 2.6.2 maintains binary compatibility with previous releases.
> GA Release 2.6.2
> Changes in this version include:
> New features:
> o LOG4J2-1395:  Add "direct" option to ConsoleAppender for increased 
> performance.
> o LOG4J2-1437:  (GC) ObjectMessage and ReusableObjectMessage now avoid 
> calling toString() on auto-boxed primitive parameters.
> o LOG4J2-1415:  (GC) ParameterFormatter now avoids calling toString() on 
> auto-boxed primitive message parameters.
> o LOG4J2-1412:  Unbox utility's ringbuffer of StringBuilders is now 
> configurable.
> Fixed Bugs:
> o LOG4J2-904:  If copy and delete fails in rename action then resort to 
> truncating the source file after copying it. Thanks to Bernhard Mähr.
> o LOG4J2-1250:  CronTriggeringPolicy was not properly setting the 
> prevFileTime value for the PatternProcessor so
>         file dates and times on rolled files were incorrect.
> o LOG4J2-1452:  Fixed issue where reusable messages broke flow tracing logic. 
> Thanks to Mikael Ståldal.
> o LOG4J2-1440:  Fix bug in OnStartupTriggeringPolicy that allowed it to roll 
> over on every reconfiguration. Added
>         minSize attribute.
> o LOG4J2-1414:  Fixed minor issues with the 2.6.1 web site. Thanks to Ralph 
> Goers.
> o LOG4J2-1434:  Ensure that the thread-local StringBuilders used by Layouts 
> to format log events to text will not
>         retain excessive memory after a large message was logged. Thanks to 
> Luke Butters.
> o LOG4J2-1418:  Provide MessageFactory2 to custom Logger implementations.
> o LOG4J2-1420:  RollingRandomAccessFileManager was not properly rolling over 
> on startup and was getting a NullPointerException.
> o LOG4J2-1417:  Fixed issue where Unbox utility ignored the value 
> Constants.ENABLE_THREADLOCALS and always stored non-JDK classes in 
> ThreadLocals.
> o LOG4J2-1422:  Fixed issue where AsyncAppenderQueueFullPolicyTest sometimes 
> hangs.
> o LOG4J2-1445:  OnStartupTriggeringPolicyTest fails on Windows saying the 
> file is used by another process. Thanks to Ludovic HOCHET.
> Changes:
> o LOG4J2-1432:  Update Jackson from 2.7.4 to 2.7.5.
> o LOG4J2-1433:  Update Jansi from 1.11 to 1.13.
> o LOG4J2-1444:  Update Apache Commons Compress from 1.11 to 1.12.
> Apache Log4j 2.6.2 requires a minimum of Java 7 to build and run. Log4j 2.3 
> was the last release that
> supported Java 6.
> Basic compatibility with Log4j 1.x is provided through the log4j-1.2-api 
> component, however it does not implement some of the
> very implementation specific classes and methods. The package names and Maven 
> groupId have been changed to
> org.apache.logging.log4j to avoid any conflicts with log4j 1.x.
> For complete information on Apache Log4j 2, including instructions on how to 
> submit bug reports,
> patches, or suggestions for improvement, see the Apache Apache Log4j 2 
> website:

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