We are having issues with Log4j (many versions up to and including 2.6.2)
where it works fine when an application is newly deployed and at server
startup but where logging stops when an application is redeployed.

We are using JBoss EAP 6. Applications are configured as Servlet 3.0 and we
are using named JNDI context selectors.

Log4j is being loaded from a JBoss module rather than being bundled with
each application. This module has core, api, web, jcl, jul and api-1.2.

We are not sure if this is an EAP issue or a log4j issue, but I thought I'd
post to see if anyone had any ideas.

Using a debugger I'm seeing that standard calls to log4j returning false
for such things as "isDebugEnabled". Errors and such go to the JBoss
console for these apps as though the standard configuration is being used.

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