There was an experimental branch for Log4j 1.3 but that was never released and 
was abandoned.


> On Jul 12, 2017, at 11:16 AM, Matt Sicker <> wrote:
> Log4j 1.3? The last version of 1.x was 1.2.17 which is EOL.
> On 12 July 2017 at 13:13, Christopher Schultz <>
> wrote:
>> All,
>> I've got an SMTPAppender logging errors, etc. and I'd like to remove the
>> exceptions from the log messages. Is there a good way to do that?
>> Remember: log4j 1.3.x (for now)
>> I happen to already be using a subclass of SMTPAppender that I wrote (so
>> only send after X number of log messages, rather than a separate SMTP
>> message for every log event), so I have some flexibility, there.
>> If it's not already in the API/config somewhere, could I simply override
>> the append(LogEvent) method to remove the ThrowableInformation from the
>> LogEvent object, then invoke the superclass's append() method?
>> Thanks,
>> -chris
> -- 
> Matt Sicker <>

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