
should log4j-web.jar be packaged in individual web app WEB-INF/lib or can it be 
deployed in tomcat/lib (to be shared by several web apps)?

Tested with log4j2 v2.6 and latest v2.9.1, and noticed that it seems to work 
either way when a webapp is first deployed. BUT if having a log4j2.xml 
configured like:

<Configuration monitorInterval="10" status="warn" verbose="true">
        <File name="APP_LOGFILE" fileName="logs/${web:contextPath}.log"/>

when the webapp, say, MyApp is loaded, it will correctly use the 
web:contextPath lookup and create a MyApp.log file. But after modifying the 
log4j2.xml log level, the configuration will get reloaded as expected, BUT then 
instead of logging to the original MyApp.log file, it will create a 
file and logging to that new file.

That problem only happens if the log4j2-web.jar file is put in tomcat/lib, 
instead of packaged in MyApp/WEB-INF/lib

So just want to confirm if log4j-web.jar should always be packaged in 


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