The TimeBasedTriggeringPolicy does not check for rollover on every log event to 
reduce the overhead on busy systems. When you are only logging a few events you 
will see it log a few records to the prior file before it checks for a 
rollover. In your case you would be better off using the CronTriggeringPolicy 
as it has a background thread that checks for the time to rollover.


> On Aug 24, 2018, at 9:30 AM, Joan Balagueró - ventusproxy 
> <> wrote:
> Hello,
> I知 using RollingFileAppender with full async logging. This is the config:
> <Appenders>
> <RollingFile name="ACCESS_LOG"
> filePattern="${sys:log.dir}vproxy_access.%d{yyyy-MM-dd}" append="true"
> immediateFlush="false">
> <PatternLayout>
> <Pattern>%m%d{yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS}%n</Pattern>
> </PatternLayout>
> <Policies>
>                  <TimeBasedTriggeringPolicy/>
>            </Policies>
>    </RollingFile>
> <Appenders>
> <Loggers>
> <Root level="off" additivity="false" />
> <Logger name="LOGGER_ACCESS" level="info" includeLocation="false"
> additivity="false">
> <AppenderRef ref="ACCESS_LOG"/>
> </Logger>
> </Loggers>
> I started to send requests the 2018-08-22, the vproxy_access.2018-08-22 was
> correctly created and requests started to be logged. These are the first 2
> lines:
> 1,,2018-08-22
> 18:11:30.171,A,13,A,40,A,72,A,60,N,,,gzip,80616,329,2537,202
> ,ok,2018-08-22 18:11:30.735
> 1,,2018-08-22
> 18:11:30.171,A,13,A,39,A,72,A,60,N,,,gzip,140160,328,4071,45
> 2,ok,2018-08-22 18:11:30.744
> Then I stopped to send requests until 2018-08-24 12:25. The point is these
> requests (sent today, day 24) have been logged on the same file, 2018-08-22,
> instead of in a newly created log file 2018-08-24. This is the moment (2
> lines before, and the first 2 lines today):
> 1,,2018-08-22
> 18:59:23.415,A,13,A,39,A,72,A,60,N,,,gzip,28236,329,1212,121
> ,ok,2018-08-22 18:59:23.537
> 1,,2018-08-22
> 18:59:23.537,A,13,A,40,A,72,A,60,N,,,gzip,51516,329,1802,43
> 7,ok,2018-08-22 18:59:23.977
> 1,,2018-08-24
> 12:25:42.439,A,13,A,39,A,72,A,60,N,,,gzip,133122,329,3903,18
> ,ok,2018-08-24 12:25:42.466
> 1,,2018-08-24
> 12:25:42.428,A,13,A,40,A,72,A,60,N,,,gzip,205848,329,5681,30
> ,ok,2018-08-24 12:25:42.471
> Today I致e kept on sending requests, and these are the last 2 lines:
> 1,,2018-08-24
> 23:59:58.851,A,13,A,40,A,72,A,60,N,,,gzip,99240,329,3020,472
> ,ok,2018-08-24 23:59:59.326
> 1,,2018-08-24
> 23:59:59.326,A,13,A,41,A,72,A,60,N,,,gzip,34056,327,1358,46
> 7,ok,2018-08-24 23:59:59.795
> At 00:00 rotation is performed, this is the new log file (it痴 correct):
> 1,,2018-08-24
> 23:59:59.796,A,13,A,40,A,72,A,60,N,,,gzip,27072,329,1186,392
> ,ok,2018-08-25 00:00:00.189
> 1,,2018-08-25
> 00:00:00.190,A,13,A,41,A,72,A,60,N,,,gzip,82944,327,2597,48
> 7,ok,2018-08-25 00:00:00.680
> 1,,2018-08-25
> 00:00:00.681,A,13,A,41,A,72,A,60,N,,,,2700,326,0,256,ok,2018
> -08-25 00:00:00.937
> But the problem is this log file has been created as 2018-08-24 instead of
> 2018-08-25.
> These are my 2 log files:
> -rw-r-----. 1 root        root        4382871 Aug 24 23:59
> vproxy_access.2018-08-22
> -rw-r-----. 1 root        root          16224 Aug 25 00:00
> vproxy_access.2018-08-24
> And this is the system date now:
> [root@server02 logs]# date
> Sat Aug 25 00:17:37 EDT 2018
> So at this point I知 not sure if this is a bug or I simply has something
> misconfigured in my log4j.xml
> Thanks,
> Joan.

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