Do you really need the packages attribute? If you have custom plugins they will 
normally be included in a file that is created when the annotation processor 
runs during compilation. If that file is present then package scanning is not 


> On Jul 30, 2019, at 10:38 AM, Gregg Donovan <> wrote:
> Hello! We noticed when profiling our server startup that log4j2's 
> configuration process was taking over 20 seconds. From the YourKit profile 
> (see below) it appears to be from scanning the classpath for JARs that may 
> contain plugins. We have a lot of JARs, so this takes some time, I suppose.
> Our configuration is fairly minimal. The StackdriverJsonLayout is a custom 
> Etsy plugin.
> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
> <Configuration status="error" dest="error" shutdownHook="disable" 
> packages="com.etsy.util,org.apache.logging.log4j.core.layout">
> <Appenders><Console 
> name="console"><StackdriverJsonLayout/></Console></Appenders>
> <Loggers><Root level="info"><AppenderRef ref="console" /></Root></Loggers>
> </Configuration>
> How can we minimize log4J2 configuration time? We're open to anything, 
> including using Java configuration. Minimizing configuration time trumps all 
> other concerns.
> Thanks!
> Gregg Donovan
> Staff Software Engineer,

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