Hi folks,

Please help me develop a mental model of what's going on with
LoggerContexts here.

I'm trying to get the following to work (log4j 2.12.1):

    org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger logz =
    org.apache.logging.log4j.LogManager.getContext(false);  // just for testing

However, the level is never getting set. If I watch instances of
LoggerContext in IntelliJ's debug, I can see that after the first
line, one named "579bb367" is created, but the second (and/or third)
line causes one to be created named "Default". Then, the logger logz
is never updated.

If I add a config file to my classpath named
log4j2.component.properties, with the value
I can get it to work.

However, I would like to not have to do that everywhere, and would
very much like to understand why the ClassLoaderContextSelector is
failing. This code all lives inside LogGrabberTest, so I'm not
reaching across JAR/WAR/etc. boundaries or anything.

This code all worked in Pants, I think because it just smooshes all
the classes together into one Jar.



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