
I am using log4j-slf4j-impl version 2.12.1, and an application that will be
executed via command line and ternimated after finished.

The application won't be executed more than once at the same time in local
host, but it's possible we run it again while previous application is

So I'd like to separate logging files by yyyyMMdd-HHmmss, then delete ones
if file modified time is elder than specified age (here I set as 1 minute
for testing) when application startup.

My log4j2.xml content:

> <RollingFile name="default"
>              filePattern="${output.folder}/my.%d{yyyyMMdd-HHmmss}.log">
>     <PatternLayout pattern="${pattern}" />
>     <Policies>
>         <OnStartupTriggeringPolicy minSize="0" />
>     </Policies>
>     <DirectWriteRolloverStrategy>
>         <Delete basePath="${output.folder}" maxDepth="1">
>             <IfFileName glob="my*.log" />
>             <IfLastModified age="1m" />
>         </Delete>
>     </DirectWriteRolloverStrategy></RollingFile>
> Logging files are look like below:

   - my.20191127-091410.log
   - my.20191127-091415.log
   - my.20191127-091527.log
   - my.20191127-091533.log

The question is above log4j2 setting is not working.
Old logging files my.20191127-091410.log and  my.20191127-091415.log are
not deleted.

I tried to trace code and found something weird.
First, the outputstream (shown as below) will be null because no fileName
attribute while using DirectWriteRolloverStrategy.
[image: image.png]

Second, RollingFileManager doesn't nothing in its own rollover method due
to OutputStream is null and hence there is no chance to do rollover of
DirectWriteRolloverStrategy (shown as below).
[image: image.png]

Do I understand in wrong way?
Please let me know if I do something wrong or any suggestion.
Thank you very much.

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