Hi Ralph,

Log4j version is 2.11.2. Below the output requested:

2020-02-06 00:00:01,001 Log4j2-TF-13-Scheduled-12 DEBUG Setting prev file time 
to 2020-02-05T00:00:01.000+0100
2020-02-06 00:00:01,001 Log4j2-TF-13-Scheduled-10 DEBUG Setting prev file time 
to 2020-02-05T00:00:01.000+0100
2020-02-06 00:00:01,001 Log4j2-TF-13-Scheduled-9 DEBUG Setting prev file time 
to 2020-02-05T00:00:01.000+0100
2020-02-06 00:00:01,001 Log4j2-TF-13-Scheduled-8 DEBUG Setting prev file time 
to 2020-02-05T00:00:01.000+0100
2020-02-06 00:00:01,001 Log4j2-TF-13-Scheduled-11 DEBUG Setting prev file time 
to 2020-02-05T00:00:01.000+0100
2020-02-06 00:00:01,037 Log4j2-TF-13-Scheduled-8 DEBUG Formatting file name. 
useCurrentTime=false. currentFileTime=1580857201000, prevFileTime=1580857201000
2020-02-06 00:00:01,037 Log4j2-TF-13-Scheduled-12 DEBUG Formatting file name. 
useCurrentTime=false. currentFileTime=1580857201000, prevFileTime=1580857201000
2020-02-06 00:00:01,037 Log4j2-TF-13-Scheduled-10 DEBUG Formatting file name. 
useCurrentTime=false. currentFileTime=1580857201000, prevFileTime=1580857201000
2020-02-06 00:00:01,037 Log4j2-TF-13-Scheduled-9 DEBUG Formatting file name. 
useCurrentTime=false. currentFileTime=1580857201000, prevFileTime=1580857201000
2020-02-06 00:00:01,037 Log4j2-TF-13-Scheduled-11 DEBUG Formatting file name. 
useCurrentTime=false. currentFileTime=1580857201000, prevFileTime=1580857201000
2020-02-06 00:00:01,040 Log4j2-TF-13-Scheduled-8 DEBUG Formatting file name. 
useCurrentTime=false. currentFileTime=1580857201000, prevFileTime=1580857201000
2020-02-06 00:00:01,040 Log4j2-TF-13-Scheduled-11 DEBUG Formatting file name. 
useCurrentTime=false. currentFileTime=1580857201000, prevFileTime=1580857201000
2020-02-06 00:00:01,040 Log4j2-TF-13-Scheduled-10 DEBUG Formatting file name. 
useCurrentTime=false. currentFileTime=1580857201000, prevFileTime=1580857201000
2020-02-06 00:00:01,040 Log4j2-TF-13-Scheduled-12 DEBUG Formatting file name. 
useCurrentTime=false. currentFileTime=1580857201000, prevFileTime=1580857201000
2020-02-06 00:00:01,040 Log4j2-TF-13-Scheduled-9 DEBUG Formatting file name. 
useCurrentTime=false. currentFileTime=1580857201000, prevFileTime=1580857201000
2020-02-06 00:00:01,043 Log4j2-TF-13-Scheduled-10 DEBUG RollingFileManager 
executing synchronous FileRenameAction[/home/ventusproxy/logs/vproxy_access to 
/home/ventusproxy/logs/vproxy_access.2020-02-05, renameEmptyFiles=false]
2020-02-06 00:00:01,043 Log4j2-TF-13-Scheduled-8 DEBUG RollingFileManager 
executing synchronous FileRenameAction[/home/ventusproxy/logs/http.log to 
/home/ventusproxy/logs/http.2020-02-05, renameEmptyFiles=false]
2020-02-06 00:00:01,043 Log4j2-TF-13-Scheduled-11 DEBUG RollingFileManager 
executing synchronous FileRenameAction[/home/ventusproxy/logs/vproxy_system to 
/home/ventusproxy/logs/vproxy_system.2020-02-05, renameEmptyFiles=false]
2020-02-06 00:00:01,043 Log4j2-TF-13-Scheduled-12 DEBUG RollingFileManager 
executing synchronous FileRenameAction[/home/ventusproxy/logs/vproxy_cluster to 
/home/ventusproxy/logs/vproxy_cluster.2020-02-05, renameEmptyFiles=false]
2020-02-06 00:00:01,043 Log4j2-TF-13-Scheduled-9 DEBUG RollingFileManager 
executing synchronous FileRenameAction[/home/ventusproxy/logs/vproxy_monitor to 
/home/ventusproxy/logs/vproxy_monitor.2020-02-05, renameEmptyFiles=false]
2020-02-06 00:00:01,043 Log4j2-TF-13-Scheduled-12 DEBUG Now writing to 
/home/ventusproxy/logs/vproxy_cluster at 2020-02-06T00:00:01.043+0100
2020-02-06 00:00:01,043 Log4j2-TF-13-Scheduled-8 DEBUG Now writing to 
/home/ventusproxy/logs/http.log at 2020-02-06T00:00:01.043+0100
2020-02-06 00:00:01,043 Log4j2-TF-13-Scheduled-9 DEBUG Now writing to 
/home/ventusproxy/logs/vproxy_monitor at 2020-02-06T00:00:01.043+0100
2020-02-06 00:00:01,044 Log4j2-TF-13-Scheduled-8 DEBUG Log4j2 
ConfigurationScheduler Cron expression 1 0 0 * * ? scheduled to fire again at 
2020-02-06 00:00:01,044 Log4j2-TF-13-Scheduled-9 DEBUG Log4j2 
ConfigurationScheduler Cron expression 1 0 0 * * ? scheduled to fire again at 
2020-02-06 00:00:01,044 Log4j2-TF-13-Scheduled-12 DEBUG Log4j2 
ConfigurationScheduler Cron expression 1 0 0 * * ? scheduled to fire again at 
2020-02-06 00:00:01,044 Log4j2-TF-13-Scheduled-8 DEBUG Setting prev file time 
to 2020-02-06T00:00:01.000+0100
2020-02-06 00:00:01,044 Log4j2-TF-13-Scheduled-9 DEBUG Setting prev file time 
to 2020-02-06T00:00:01.000+0100
2020-02-06 00:00:01,044 Log4j2-TF-13-Scheduled-8 DEBUG Formatting file name. 
useCurrentTime=false. currentFileTime=1580857201000, prevFileTime=1580943601000
2020-02-06 00:00:01,044 Log4j2-TF-13-Scheduled-9 DEBUG Formatting file name. 
useCurrentTime=false. currentFileTime=1580857201000, prevFileTime=1580943601000
2020-02-06 00:00:01,044 Log4j2-TF-13-Scheduled-8 DEBUG Formatting file name. 
useCurrentTime=false. currentFileTime=1580857201000, prevFileTime=1580943601000
2020-02-06 00:00:01,044 Log4j2-TF-13-Scheduled-9 DEBUG Formatting file name. 
useCurrentTime=false. currentFileTime=1580857201000, prevFileTime=1580943601000
2020-02-06 00:00:01,044 Log4j2-TF-13-Scheduled-8 DEBUG RollingFileManager 
executing synchronous FileRenameAction[/home/ventusproxy/logs/vproxy_error to 
/home/ventusproxy/logs/vproxy_error.2020-02-06, renameEmptyFiles=false]
2020-02-06 00:00:01,044 Log4j2-TF-13-Scheduled-9 DEBUG RollingFileManager 
executing synchronous 
FileRenameAction[/home/ventusproxy/logs/vproxy_datametrycs to 
/home/ventusproxy/logs/vproxy_datametrycs.2020-02-06, renameEmptyFiles=false]
2020-02-06 00:00:01,045 Log4j2-TF-13-Scheduled-8 DEBUG Now writing to 
/home/ventusproxy/logs/vproxy_error at 2020-02-06T00:00:01.045+0100
2020-02-06 00:00:01,045 Log4j2-TF-13-Scheduled-9 DEBUG Now writing to 
/home/ventusproxy/logs/vproxy_datametrycs at 2020-02-06T00:00:01.045+0100
2020-02-06 00:00:01,045 Log4j2-TF-13-Scheduled-11 DEBUG Now writing to 
/home/ventusproxy/logs/vproxy_system at 2020-02-06T00:00:01.045+0100
2020-02-06 00:00:01,045 Log4j2-TF-13-Scheduled-10 DEBUG Log4j2 
ConfigurationScheduler Cron expression 1 0 0 * * ? scheduled to fire again at 
2020-02-06 00:00:01,045 Log4j2-TF-13-Scheduled-8 DEBUG Log4j2 
ConfigurationScheduler Cron expression 1 0 0 * * ? scheduled to fire again at 
2020-02-06 00:00:01,045 Log4j2-TF-13-Scheduled-9 DEBUG Log4j2 
ConfigurationScheduler Cron expression 1 0 0 * * ? scheduled to fire again at 
2020-02-06 00:00:01,045 Log4j2-TF-13-Scheduled-11 DEBUG Log4j2 
ConfigurationScheduler Cron expression 1 0 0 * * ? scheduled to fire again at 

Files after rotation:

-rw-r-----. 1 root        root         487529 Feb  6 00:00 vproxy_access
-rw-r-----. 1 root        root        2437185 Feb  6 00:00 
-rw-r-----. 1 root        root              0 Feb  6 00:00 vproxy_cluster
-rw-r-----. 1 root        root              0 Feb  6 00:00 vproxy_datametrycs
-rw-r-----. 1 root        root            771 Feb  6 00:00 
-rw-r-----. 1 root        root          12490 Feb  6 00:00 vproxy_error
-rw-r-----. 1 root        root          20756 Feb  6 00:00 
-rw-r-----. 1 root        root              0 Feb  6 00:00 vproxy_monitor
-rw-r-----. 1 root        root              0 Feb  6 00:00 vproxy_system
-rw-r-----. 1 root        root          14484 Feb  5 23:59 



-----Original Message-----
From: Ralph Goers <ralph.go...@dslextreme.com> 
Sent: Wednesday, February 5, 2020 8:06 PM
To: Log4J Users List <log4j-user@logging.apache.org>
Subject: Re: Wrong extensions when rotating files using RollingRandomAccessFile 
with CronTriggeringPolicy

What version of Log4j are you using? 

If you add status=DEBUG to the configuration element you will see logs appear 
in stdout that identify some things that are useful for debugging issues during 
rollover. Could you provide that please?


> On Feb 5, 2020, at 9:50 AM, Joan ventusproxy <joan.balagu...@ventusproxy.com> 
> wrote:
> Hello,
> We have 5 async logs in our log4j2 configuration that rotates every day at 
> 00:01. This is the config for one of them:
> <RollingRandomAccessFile name="ACCESS_LOG" 
> fileName="${sys:log.dir}vproxy_access" 
> filePattern="${sys:log.dir}vproxy_access.%d{yyyy-MM-dd}" append="true" 
> immediateFlush="false">
>       <PatternLayout><Pattern>%m%d{HH:mm:ss.SSS}%n</Pattern></PatternLayout>
>       <Policies><CronTriggeringPolicy schedule="1 0 0 * * ?" 
> evaluateOnStartup="true" /></Policies> </RollingRandomAccessFile>
> <Logger name="LOGGER_ACCESS" level="info" includeLocation="false" 
> additivity="false">
>       <AppenderRef ref="ACCESS_LOG"/>
> </Logger>
> So at 5 Feb 00:01 we expected to have 5 logs with the '2020-02-04' extension, 
> but we see files with '2020-02-05' extension. This sometimes happens to some 
> files, sometimes to other files ... it's not always happening to the same 
> files. Some days rotation is ok, some days rotation fails just in 1 file, 
> sometimes in 2 files, ...
> -rw-r-----. 1 root        root        1649483171 Feb  5 16:22 vproxy_access
> -rw-r-----. 1 root        root         225670559 Feb  5 00:00 
> vproxy_access.2020-02-04
> -rw-r-----. 1 root        root          42650335 Feb  5 16:29 vproxy_cluster
> -rw-r-----. 1 root        root              8052 Feb  4 17:58 
> vproxy_cluster.2020-02-04
> -rw-r-----. 1 root        root        1222846577 Feb  5 17:26 
> vproxy_datametrycs
> -rw-r-----. 1 root        root         167707641 Feb  5 00:00 
> vproxy_datametrycs.2020-02-05
> -rw-r-----. 1 root        root        1448754527 Feb  5 16:22 vproxy_error
> -rw-r-----. 1 root        root         199048217 Feb  5 00:00 
> vproxy_error.2020-02-04
> -rw-r-----. 1 root        root           3683378 Feb  5 17:41 vproxy_system
> -rw-r-----. 1 root        root           2238045 Feb  4 23:59 
> vproxy_system.2020-02-05
> Is this a bug or some misconfiguration in our log4j.xml file?
> Thanks for any help you can provide,
> Joan.
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