Hi Danish,

On Tue, 1 Aug 2023 at 20:10, Danish Arif <danishmari...@gmail.com> wrote:
> My use case is that my application uses the above mentioned method to get
> logger and log. Appender and Logger have been set in log4j2.xml file. We
> stop the Logger by getting all core appenders , removing them , then
> stopping them and then using the LogManager.shutdown() method.

There is no need for that, because:
1. LogManager.shutdown() stops all appenders,
2. Usually the `log4j2.shutdownHookEnabled` property is set to true,
so LogManager.shutdown() is called by a shutdown hook.

> The issue or anomaly arises when an update batch script starts the new
> instance of the same application and the old instance takes some time to
> exit, resulting in new instance getting the same logger using
> LogManager.getLogger("AppName"); and writing in the same log file.
> Once the 1st/old instance exists after a few seconds, it closes all the
> logging and nothing on the file gets written even when the 2nd/new instance
> is still up and running.

If these instances are in different JVM's, this is strange: can you
add the configuration of your file appender?
If you are using a `RollingFileAppender`, it can rotate your file and
delete the old ones.

If these instances are in the same JVM, you might be up to something:
apparently `stop()` is not idempotent and if you call it enough times,
you can effectively stop appenders in other logger contexts.


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