
While I applaud your efforts I've got some points that may call into question 
the performance differences:

1) I only see debug directories, not release. Performance testing a debug build 
is silly, there are optimizations that the compiler and JIT ignore in debug 
that can make a huge performance difference.

2) If I'm reading it right, you use a single stringbuilder in the spring test, 
but you build a new one for each iteration in the log4net test. That right 
there will kill you. And actually .NET's String.Concat is optimized for up to 4 
strings so you're better off coding CriticalErrorLog.WriteLine() as: return 
string.Concat(message, " ", method);

3) nSpring seems to do async logging. That is, the log method returns before 
the log message is written to disk. If you want to check that, bring up task 
manager, run your test and log 1,000,000 messages. Then when the test app 
claims it's finished kill the process in taskman. When I did this I didn't even 
get the log file, let alone one w/1M rows in it.


Walden H Leverich III
Tech Software
(516) 627-3800 x3051

Quiquid latine dictum sit altum viditur.
(Whatever is said in Latin seems profound.)

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