
I am analyzing different open source loggers which can be used for the purpose 
of logging in our new application.
I could see that there has not been a release of Log4Net in the last few years. 
The version 1.2.10 is compiled in Dot Net framework 2.0.
With the latest version of Dot Net framework 4.0 in the market, and enhanced 
versions coming up, wouldn't it be a better approach to give a new release with 
the upgraded version.

I believe I can download the source code, compile the same and distribute it on 
the production machines. In this case, am I going against licensing terms?
I would like the former approach of getting the new Log4Net dll built in the 
latest Dot Net version.

Hoping to get a response.

Warm Regards,
Shrikanth Nanjunda Rao.

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