Hi Jim,

On 2011-08-10, Jim Scott wrote:

> On 8/8/2011 8:34 PM, Curt Arnold wrote:

>> I'd be happy to perform the release build or reencrypt the strong
>> signing key to another PMC member who wants to help. However, to get
>> to that point, it will take people who are motivated to pitch in and
>> get things ready for release. Further discussion should be on
>> log4net-dev.

> Curt, I am more than interested in helping this project move
> forward.

This sounds great.

> However I am not 100% confident that I would be able to do things
> exactly to the standard expected so would need some guidance in
> providing help if you are interested in having me participate.

Don't worry.

Most people around here won't know me as I'm just a user of log4net
myself and haven't contributed much to it.  In 2000 I became involved
with the Apache Software Foundation as a committer to Apache Ant - some
small build tool nobody knew back then that initially was used to build
Tomcat and was later spun out as a separate project.  Those familiar
with the Java space will know what has grown out of it.  After that I've
helped out here and there and still am a committer and PMC member at Ant
(and a few other places).  But when I started I was sure I could never
meet the standards of the ASF.

One of my first contributions to Ant was some helper code that allowed
me to use the small - by then - unknown testing library from inside my
builds, the <junit> task.  The initial code was quite limited and even a
bit hackish in places, it did what I needed and others expanded upon it.

What I'm trying to say here is that it is better to have some start,
even if not perfect, than nothing at all.  A bad implementation may even
be a good way to get the community involved.  I think Cocoon's founder
Stefano Mazzocci once coined "great ideas and crappy code" as the best
fertilizer for open source communities.

When I wrote the initial version of the code that maps XML elements and
attributes to Java objects in Ant using lots of reflection this was the
first time I used any class from the Java reflection package.  I learned
a lot from it and I learned even more from the improvements others made
to my code.

There is a lot of value in developing in the open.  Each time anybody
provides a patch to code you've written you learn something new and
become a better developer.  And the discussions in most communities are
very very fruitful, there are very few jerks around the ASF.

Again, don't worry, just jump in, the water is fine.


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