Hi all,

this is how I think we could get to a 1.2.11 release in the timeframe of
about a month:

(1) look at all issues currently reported and assign them to
    1.2.11 if

    (a) they describe a reproducible bug that we know how to

    (b) they wish for a feature that looks desirable to more than just
        the reporter, have a patch appended with the "licensed to the
        ASF" checkbox checked, come with a unit test

(2) assign all other issues to one of the versions "1.2 maintenance",
    2.0, 3.5 or 4.0 - or close them if they are user questions or
    otherwise not appropriate at all.

(3) provide fixes for all (1)(a) items and attach them as patch checking
    the "licensed to the ASF" checkbox

(4) apply all patches with target 1.2.11

(5) create a build environment that can produce all buiod artifacts
    we've had for 1.2.10 plus assemblies targeting .NET 3.5 (already
    done in trunk), .NET 4.0 and Mono 3.5.

    (a) try to build client profile assemblies for 3.5 and 4.0 as well
        but don't allow this to delay 1.2.11

(6) Release

Those things don't have to happen in that sequence, for example I
volunteer to set up a build environment for log4net locally - unless Ron
has time to do it, that is.

Everybody can help with steps (1) to (3), we'd just need to coordinate
so we don't duplicate effort.

As already mentioned in a separate mail, I likely won't find much time
to contribute (if any) the next two calendar weeks.  The major piece of
work will be the triage and fixing bugs anyway, nobody really needs to
wait for me or anybody else with commit access for that.

Does that sound reasonable?

If so, I'd also make some noise about it (for example on the user list)
so we may even get more active patch reviewers.

Please don't hesitate to tell me I'm wrong - that would neither be the
first nor the last time.


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