On 2011-08-19, Roy Chastain wrote:

> I have done some research this morning, and have found a couple of
> articles suggesting "fixes", but I do not yet understand the
> ramifications.  This is all to do with a new code security model created
> in 4.0 and it is going to take time to understand.

> If anyone reading this is a 4.0 code security model guru, then please
> look at
> http://connect.microsoft.com/VisualStudio/feedback/details/464751/inheri
> tance-security-rules-violated-while-overriding-member and throw out an
> opinion.

> The other solution seems to involve marking the calling code, but I have
> not figured it all out as yet.

The first two patches attached to LOG4NET-233 contain .NET 4.0 specific
attributes (and even remove some of the 2.0 code base when compiling
under .NET 4.0).  I'm no security model guru at all and will have some
reading up to do, but this may provide a starting point.


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