On 2011-09-08, Dominik Guder wrote:

> using nant for retreiving svn revision to property svn.revision:
> use svn log (repository access)

> <exec program="svn.exe" workingdir="${svnroot}" verbose="false"
>       output="_svnrevision.xml" failonerror="true" >
>     <arg value="log" />
>     <arg line="${svnroot} --xml --limit 1 -q" />
>     <arg line="--username=foo --password=bar --no-auth-cache" />
> </exec>
> <sleep milliseconds="500" />
> <xmlpeek file="_svnrevision.xml"
>          xpath="/log/logentry/@revision"
>          property="svn.revision"
>          failonerror="true"/>

It is likely fair to assume that whoever uses NAnt also has a svn
command line client around - or I need to provide some sort of fallback
if it isn't.



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