Hi all,

sorry for the cross-post but I'd like to catch "oh no, you can't do
that!" responses as soon as possible.

Apart from a few documentation and packaging issues Apache log4net
1.2.11 seems to be pretty much ready for a release.  One thing that is
holding up the process is the - let's say dated - build environment
required to build all target binaries.

So far I've been able to set up a machine with all SDKs that are freely
available - what I'm still missing are the .NET Compact Framework 1.0
and SSCLI 1.0.

It seems as if CF 1.0 requires an installation of Visual Studio (2003,
likely) while it was sufficient to install the .NET 2.0 SDK in order to
build the CF 2.0 assemblies.  For SSCLI I can find the sources but it
requires Visual C++ to build.

So before I try to find Visual Studio 2003 - and accept that you can't
build a log4net release without an IDE you have to pay for - I thought I
might simply ask if anybody was opposed to have log4net 1.2.11 simply
strike the two platforms.

We will poll users for future directions later, so please let us limit
this thread to the two frameworks in question.


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