
The hostname should always be set. Are you seeing this behaviour
reliably and repeatably? What is the difference between the scenarios
where it works and where it does not?
Have you tried reproducing this with 1.2.9?


> -----Original Message-----
> Sent: 24 October 2005 23:57
> To: Log4NET User
> Subject: HostName property sometimes empty
> Hi,
> I'm having a problem where I'm trying to log the HostName 
> property (like this: %P{log4net:HostName}) and on some 
> servers it seems to work and on others it doesn't. I'm using 
> v1.2.8 and trying to log to both text files and SQL Server. 
> In both scenarios I have some cases where it works and some 
> where it doesn't.
> Has anyone else had this problem of the HostName property 
> being empty??
> Thanks,
> Simon.

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