I am using log4net 1.2.10 RollingFileAppender in C#/VS2005.  Rolling the files 
by date.  Everything is
working fine except that the final log file written before program exit is not 
rolled and remains named
as a temp file (just the name as specified in file value without the date 
pattern and extension).  I am
calling the Shutdown function, but this does not seem to help.  Attached is the 
.config xml I'm currently
using.  Its set to rollover on minute boundaries as a debugging convenience.  
Some of the tags may be
extraneous, I've been trying a few different strategies for dealing with this...
As an additional layer of complexity, I'm actually using this from VB6/COM.  My 
C# code is just a
ComVisible wrapper to the basic log4net calls.
Any input would be appreciated.  This is starting to drive me nuts.



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