I'll gladly defer to an expert here, but it's my understanding that the pattern 
that log4net is currently using within Logger.CallAppenders() does indeed have 
the problem described in the link you sent. 
I'd imagine you'd have to abort a lot of threads for this relatively small race 
to occur frequently however.

Successfully managing the semantics around atomic lock hold/release in the face 
of thread aborts is a bit of a minefield actually, especially as the low-level 
details (what op codes the JITer spits out on what architectures) do actually 
matter. Anyway, my understanding is it was realized that the typical locking 
pattern (and that used by log4net):






had a race condition in that the thread could be killed (for various reasons) 
prior to the try block being entered*. In CLR 4 Microsoft introduced some 
additional approaches to lock acquisition to remove this, so for example

var x = new object();


// something within lock


…now compiles down to something quite different to what it did before, using 
the Monitor.TryEnter() overloads:

var x = new object();

bool wasHeld;


        Monitor.TryEnter(x, out wasHeld);

        // do stuff






Unfortunately the TryEnter(ref bool) type overloads were never implemented for 
ReaderWriterLockSlim (vote here 
 So even if log4net's ReaderWriterLock wrapper were to be re-written in this 
style, it's going to have to mess about with critical sections etc … to achieve 
the same thing, and then still just hope that the implementation is 'right’. 

I'd have to say, however, that having to abort threads is generally a bad place 
to be in (good excerpt from C# in a nutshell here : 
http://www.albahari.com/threading/part4.aspx#_Aborting_Threads ). I don't know 
exactly what you're attempting to do, but if possible I'd have thought you 
would benefit from either:

Passing a cancellation token into long-running synchronous code, and just check 
it from time to time

Refactor to use an async structure (like Task), and allow the framework to deal 
with the mopup if you cancel the token

In the meantime, you might want to just consider recycling your process 

( * depending on what the JIT actually spits out of course. See 
 for some gory details on this)


Piers, longtime log4net lurker

From: Calin Pavel
Sent: ‎Friday‎, ‎October‎ ‎17‎, ‎2014 ‎5‎:‎55‎ ‎PM
To: log4net-user@logging.apache.org

Hello everybody, 

I do have an .NET application (Windows Service) that collects data from a lot 
of sources (DBs, log files, machines event logs, ...) and uses Log4Net to log 
details of the actions / execution.  As expected, I'm using a high number of 
threads to collect data, threads that are writing logs in some files 

Lately it happens that the entire application is BLOCKED because all threads 
were trying to acquire a read lock, like in the stack trace:
000000001ac3d998 00000000774715fa [HelperMethodFrame: 000000001ac3d998] 
000000001ac3da90 000007fef747b5e9 System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(Int32)
000000001ac3dac0 000007fef5fb9631 
000000001ac3db90 000007fef5cd297e 
000000001ac3dbf0 000007fef5cd28fa 
000000001ac3dc40 000007fe98fb4efd 
000000001ac3dcc0 000007fe98fb4907 
log4net.Repository.Hierarchy.Logger.Log(System.Type, log4net.Core.Level, 
System.Object, System.Exception)
000000001ac3dd30 000007fe98fb47f9 log4net.Core.LogImpl.Info(System.Object)  

Did you encountered this before or did anybody else reported similar problems?

May be it's important to mention:
- I'm using Log4Net 1.2.13, .NET 4.5 on Windows 2008 R2
- that my threads have a timeout, and if they do not finish the job in the 
given interval they are aborted. 

In relation with this, I found a possible explanation of application hanging 

Could it be that the acquire of read lock in Logger.CallAppenderers method to 
generate our problems?

Thank you in advance, 
Calin Pavel

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