
Check out if the following meets your needs:
https://log4netremotelogging.codeplex.com/ .

Best regards,


On Fri, Nov 21, 2014 at 12:29 PM, Wim Sturkenboom <
wim.sturkenb...@hambisana.com> wrote:

>  Hello all
> Let me start saying that I know about nothing about log4net (even after
> trying to read documentation and trying to understand examples). So please
> forgive any incorrect wording. Based on examples, I’ve managed to let an
> application write to a remotingserver (sending to / listening on port 8085)
> and the remotingserver writes it nicely to a file.
> I have modified the remotingserver example to a (windows) service and that
> also works fine.
> Now I’m in need of this one remotingserver application to handle logs from
> different applications to different logfiles. The application side of
> things is not an issue, I think; just use another port.
> But how do I write an application that contains multiple ‘remotingservers’
> or one ‘remotingserver’ listening on different ports? Any pointers are at
> this stage appreciated. A thread for each port that I want to listen on? If
> so, how do I ‘tell the thread’ to use a specific configuration? Or
> something else.
> Current code for remotingserver (in a windows service)
>         protected override void OnStart(string[] args)
>         {
>             // TODO: Add code here to start your service.
>             System.Diagnostics.EventLog.WriteEntry(String.Format(
> "dsrp_log4net_service", version.getVersion()),
>                                           ServiceName + "starting");
>             // Log an info level message
>             if (log.IsInfoEnabled) 
> log.Info(String.Format("dsrp_log4net_service
> v{0} started", version.getVersion()));
>             // Configure remoting. This loads the TCP channel as
> specified in the .config file.
> RemotingConfiguration.Configure(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.SetupInformation.ConfigurationFile,
> false);
>             // Publish the remote logging server. This is done using the
> log4net plugin.
>             log4net.LogManager.GetRepository().PluginMap.Add(new
> log4net.Plugin.RemoteLoggingServerPlugin("LoggingSink"));
>             System.Diagnostics.EventLog.WriteEntry(String.Format(
> "dsrp_log4net_service", version.getVersion()),
>                                           ServiceName + "started");
>         }
> Thanks in advance for any help. WimS

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