Hello all,

I was the chair of the Apache Logging Services project for 3 1/2 years.
Thank you, it was a great time. But it is time to move on. I think it is
critical for ASF projects to let the Chair role rotate. 

At Logging Services, we agreed to discuss the role each year at the time
of the ASF members meeting. We did that. We will continue to do that (at
least that's my hope! :)).

The PMC discussed who could fill the role of the Logging Chair, and
while we have many great people among us, we unanimously voted for Ralph

Ralph wrote the first versions of what became Log4j 2.0. He wrote large
parts of it until a fantastic community grew around the project. Without
him and his hard work, we would still be stuck on Log4j 1.x times when
things didn't look so bright. 
Ralph is not only an experienced developer but also a great teammate and
knows the Apache way in and out. 

Now I am very happy to say he accepted our vote, and the ASF Board
confirmed him in his role, effective immediately.

Welcome, Ralph! All the best for your new role, and may the force be
with you!


PS: if you are confused by the terms PMC, Chair or whatever, I'd like to
invite you to read the blog I posted when I became chair:

Or the official docs:

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