also sprach Jari Aalto <> [2009.08.22.1840 +0200]:
> It is lot easier to look at one mail:
>     - Search
>     - filter (procmail or MUA means)
>     - Forward to another admin for further look
>       (people responsible for are XXXX, YYY ...)
>     - delete or archibe mail with one command

I disagree entirely: ideally, I would like one mail per log line.
That way, I can easily file things as I do them, and can forward
only specific things to specific people. Searching and
archiving/deleting are not an issue as my MUA allows me to do that
across mailboxes with hundreds of files.

> > I doubt we will change the default, but I am sure we would accept
> > patches that added a debconf question about the periodicity of
> > logcheck runs.
> It is a nuissance to have to deal with multiple mails. The default of 2
> is too extreme.

The only way forward I see is via a debconf question. I would like
a higher periodicity, and you want a lower one: unless there's a way
to pass on the decision to the admin, the package won't change.

Patches welcome.


 .''`.   martin f. krafft <madd...@d.o>      Related projects:
: :'  :  proud Debian developer     
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