---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Peter Pagin <peter.pa...@philosophy.su.se>
Date: Tue, Sep 8, 2009 at 12:10 PM

Position at the Department of Philosophy, Stockholm University
(Apologies for cross-posting)
A position in Theoretical Philosophy with Logic as area of specialty
has been announced at Stockholm University. Deadline for application
is 24 September.
The web address to the announcement in Swedish is
There will soon be an announcement in English at the address

The text of the announcement is given below:

Senior Lecturer in

Theoretical Philosophy, especially Logic

The Department of Philosophy at Stockholm university is searching for
a logician to ensure expertise in logic for future research and
education within the leading area Logic and Language.

Main tasks:

The position is focused on research and teaching on basic, advanced
and graduate levels, including supervision - primarily within logic
but also in neighbouring subdisciplines of the broader discipline
Theoretical Philosophy. The Senior Lecturer must be prepared to take
on the main responsibility for the courses in logic given by the
department and also to participate in administrative tasks within the
department. The Senior Lecturer must also be prepared to develop
international academic contacts and to cooperate with other
universities and the society at large. Depending on the level of
competence, the Senior Lecturer may during the first four years
allocate considerable more time to research than ordinarily stipulated
for a position as Senior Lecturer.


To qualify for employment as Senior Lecturer the applicant should have
obtained a doctoral degree in a relevant field, completed teacher
training in higher education or acquired similar knowledge in another
way, and demonstrated pedagogical expertise.

A general requirement for qualification is the ability to collaborate
and the competence and suitability otherwise needed to carry out the
work tasks successfully.

Applicants may request appointment at the rank of Professor; if so,
this must be stated clearly in the application. In order to qualify
for promotion to Professor, applicants must have demonstrated
well-documented academic expertise on high internationel level and
well-documented pedagogical expertise.

Assessment criteria:

In the evaluation of candidates for this post, equal weight will be
given to the applicant’s research and teaching abilities. In addition
to research and teaching abilities, it is desirable that candidates
should show evidence of administrative skills  and ability to
cooperate, as well as a record of research grants, project leadership
and community outreach activities.

The application should preferably be written in English. It should be
formatted according to the instructions available at
www.su.se/nyanstallning. Applicants are recommended to study the
document "Documentation of qualifications for employment as a
teacher", located at the same web address. Note that a maximum of 10
scientific works may be submitted as basis for the selection.

Further information about the position may be requested from Head of
Department, Björn Eriksson, phone +46 8 16 33 46, e-mail

Trade union representatives are: Bo Ekengren, (SACO), Lisbeth Häggberg
(ST), phone switchboard +46 8 16 20 00 and Gunnar Stenberg (SEKO) +46
70 316 4341.

We welcome your application. Mark it with reference number SU 612-1908-09.

The application must be received no later than 24 September 2009 addressed to:

Stockholm University, The Registrar, SE-106 91 Stockholm, Sweden.


Peter Pagin

Peter Pagin
Department of Philosophy, Stockholm University
106 91 Stockholm, Sweden
tel: +46-8-162813, fax: +46-8-152226
email: peter.pa...@philosophy.su.se
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