Seminario de Logica Carioca

Quarta Feira dia 03 de Agosto - 14h - PUC/Rio  - Departamento de Filosofia

Aristotle's cubes and first-order quantifiers
Claudio Pizzi - University of Siena, Italy

A typical feature of so-called "consequential implication" is its basic
(mainly represented by so-called Aristotle's Thesis ¬(A-->¬A))
can be satisfied by more than one operator.
Fot this reason the traditional Aristotle's square of opposition of
implicative statements
may be expanded to more complex three-dimensional figures (“Aristotle's
 It is shown that statements of consequential implication may
be translated into special first order statements, so that the traditional
square of opposition
 for quantified statements may be expanded in a parallel way.

World Congress on the Square of Opposition
Montreux 2007 - Corsica 2010 - Beirut 2012
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