Falávamos esta semana aqui sobre quantificadores relativizados.
Coincidentemente, o colega João Rasga vai apresentar hoje uma palestra
certamente interessante sobre o assunto, em LIS.


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Completeness and interpolation of almost-everywhere quantification
over finitely additive measures

Joao Rasga, SQIG-Instituto de Telecomunições / IST-Universidade de Lisboa

May 24, 2013, Friday, 16h15m.

Abstract: We give an axiomatization of first-order logic enriched with
the almost-everywhere quantifier over finitely additive measures.
Using an adapted version of the consistency property adequate for
dealing with this generalized quantifier, we show that such a logic is
both strongly complete and enjoys Craig interpolation, relying on a
(countable) model existence theorem. We also discuss possible
extensions of these results to the almost-everywhere quantifier over
countably additive measures. The talk reports on joint work with Wafik
Lotfallah and Cristina Sernadas.

Room: 3.10, Mathematics

Support: SQIG/Instituto de Telecomunicações with support from FCT and
FEDER namely by the FCT project PEst-OE/EEI/LA0008/2013.

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