Temos agora os dados completos para os 7 anos de atividades de Logica
Universalis (2007-2013)
Foram publicados 125 artigos,
que foram citados 675 vezes
LU tem um fator de impacto muito elevado ver aqui os detalhos

A nivel de percentage de artigos citados LU fica tambem na alturas  com
mais de 40%
Vem ai a classificacao;

49.73 Journal of Logic and Computation - JLC
43.59 Journal of Applied Logic - JAL
41.67 Logica Universalis - LU
41.35 Logic Journal of the IGPL - IGPL
39.84 Annals of Pure and Applied Logic - APAL
38.98 Journal of Symbolic Logic - JSL
35.90 Informal Logic - IL
34.04 Journal of Philosophical Logic - JPL
32.35 Bulletin of Symbolic Logic - BSL
32.22 Studia Logica - SL
31.15 Review of Symbolic Logic - RSL
30.63 Algebra and Logic - AL
30.25 Mathematical Logic Quarterly - MQL
28.57 Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics - JANCL
27.27 Journal of Mathematical Logic - JML
26.42 Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic - NDJFL
25.18 Archive for Mathematical Logic - AML
25.00 Journal of Logic, Language and Information - JLLI
25.00 Reports on Mathematical Logic - RML
23.81 Logic and Logical Philosophy - LLP
18.33 History and Philosophy of Logic - HPL
14.12 Logique et Analyse - LA

Vem a seguir a lista dos 10 artigos mais citados de LU
Congratulacao a nosso colega Diderik Batens que esta na frente de todos

(1) "A Universal Logic Approach to Adaptive Logics"
Diderik Batens,  Belgium, 2007, 129 citations

(2) "Carnap, Goguen, and the Hyperontologies: Logical Pluralism and
Heterogeneous Structuring in Ontology Design"
Oliver Kutz, Till Mossakowski, Dominik Lücke, Germany, 2010,  59 citations

(3)  "What is a Logic Translation?"
Till Mossakowski, Razvan Diaconescu, Andrzej Tarlecki, Germany-Romania,
2009, 30 citations

(4)  "Quantified Multimodal Logics in Simple Type Theory"
Christoph Benzmüller, Lawrence C. Paulson, Germany-UK, 2013, 27 citations

(5) "On the 3D Visualisation of Logical Relations"
Hans Smessaert, Belgium, 2009, 27 citations

(6) “Setting n-Opposition"
Régis Pellissier, France, 2008, 24 citations

(7) *Cut-Free Ordinary Sequent Calculi for Logics Having Generalized
Finite-Valued Semantics"
Arnon Avron, Jonathan Ben-Naim, Beata Konikowska, Israel-France-Poland,
2007, 23 citations

(8) "New Dimensions on Translations Between Logics"
Walter A. Carnielli, Marcelo E. Coniglio, Itala M. L. D’Ottaviano, Brazil,
2009, 20 citations

(9) "Birkhoff Completeness in Institutions"
Mihai Codescu, Daniel Gaina, Romania-Japan, 2008, 18 citations

(10) "The Power of the Hexagon"
Jean-Yves Béziau, Brazil, 2012, 17 citations
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