(Apologies for multiple postings)

Logic, Algebra and Truth Degrees 2014

July 16 - 19, Vienna, Austria

Call for papers

The conference "Logic, Algebra and Truth Degrees 2014" will be
held on 16-19 July 2014 in Vienna, Austria, as part of the
Vienna Summer of Logic event http://vsl2014.at.

Logic, Algebra and Truth Degrees is the fourth official meeting
of the EUSFLAT Working Group on Mathematical Fuzzy Logic.

Mathematical Fuzzy Logic is the sub-discipline of Mathematical
Logic that is concerned with the notion of comparative truth.
The assumption that "truth comes in degrees" has proved to be
very useful in many theoretical and applied areas of Mathematics,
Computer Science, and Philosophy.

The featured topics include:

- Proof theory and computational complexity
- Algebraic semantics and abstract algebraic logic
- First, higher-order and modal formalisms
- Applications and foundational issues
- Geometric and game theoretic aspects

We particularly welcome contributions on many-valued and
related logical systems.

Invited speakers:

- Silvio Ghilardi, Italy
- Melvin Fitting, USA
- George Metcalfe, Switzerland
- Dale Miller, France
- Dana Scott, USA
- Alasdair Urquhart, Canada


- Franz Baader, Germany
- Vincenzo Marra, Italy

Programme Committee:

- Arnon Avron, Israel
- Matthias Baaz (Chair), Austria
- Agata Ciabattoni (Co-Chair), Austria
- Petr Cintula, Czech Republic
- Nikolaos Galatos, USA
- Lluis Godo, Spain
- Rosalie Iemhoff, The Netherlands
- Nicola Olivetti, France
- Hiroakira Ono, Japan
- Kazushige Terui, Japan
- Richard Zach, Canada

Contributed talks:

Abstracts of contributed talks, 2-4 pages, are to be prepared
using the ASL abstract template and submitted via Easychair.
The accepted abstracts will be available on-line and published
in the joint volume of abstracts with the Logic Colloquium.

The deadline for contributions is 6th April 2014. The
notification of acceptance will be sent by 10th May 2014.

For more information please visit the official web page
of the conference: http://www.logic.at/latd2014.
All correspondence should be directed to latd2...@logic.at.

Please feel free to distribute this call.

The Organizing Committee
Agata Ciabattoni (Chair), Paolo Baldi, Petr Cintula,
Bjoern Lellmann, Revantha Ramanayake, Lara Spendier

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