Caros: repasso a pedido do colega Woosuk Park (KAIST, Coréia):
= == = = = = = = "Philosophical Analysis" is the Korean philosophical journal of the Korean Society of Analytic Philosophy published tri-annually in Korean and English. Its aim is to promote high quality philosophical discussion covering a wide range of issues. Insofar as contributions meet the standards of analytic tradition of philosophy, there is no restriction to special areas, particular historical periods or schools of thought. Contributors may address philosophical questions in a variety of fields, such as epistemology, ethics, metaphysics, aesthetics, philosophy of mind, philosophy of science and philosophy of language. We now seek to bring together international scholars committed to cutting edge research on pressing questions in all these fields. For this purpose, one special issue (December 2014) will exclusively publish articles in English. We cordially welcome submissions of contributions (regular articles, critical notices, and book reviews) that meet the standards of the journal. All papers considered appropriate for the journal are anonymously reviewed by three reviewers. The review process usually takes less than two months. Authors are required to revise their paper(s) according to the reviewers' comments. The Editor reserves the right to make any necessary changes in the papers, or request the author to do so, or reject the submitted paper. The proofs will be sent for author confirmation. Editorial Board Woosuk Park (Editor-in-chief: KAIST), Sungho Choi (Kyung Hee Univ.), Inkyo Chung (Korea Univ.), Jinho Kang (Seoul National Univ.), Seahwa Kim (Ewha Womans Univ.), Byong-Chul Park (Busan Univ. of Foreign Studies), Sun-Joo Shin (Yale Univ.), Eunsuk Yang (Chonbuk National Univ.), Byeong-uk Yi (Univ. of Toronto), Sang Wook Yi (Hanyang Univ.) -- ----------------------------------------------- Prof. Dr. Walter Carnielli Director Centre for Logic, Epistemology and the History of Science – CLE State University of Campinas –UNICAMP 13083-859 Campinas -SP, Brazil Phone: (+55) (19) 3521-6517 Fax: (+55) (19) 3289-3269 Institutional e-mail: Website: _______________________________________________ Logica-l mailing list