Caros colegas:

Antes que a Lista se apague ( como parece, para tristeza de todos nos) gostaria 
de  divulgar um artigo recentíssimo do nosso  grupo, num tema fascinante e 
ainda pouquíssimo explorado com detalhes, os fundamentos lógicos da teoria das 

Paraconsistent Probabilities: Consistency, Contradictions and Bayes’ Theorem
Juliana Bueno-Soler and Walter Carnielli 

Entropy 2016, 18(9), 325; doi:10.3390/e18090325

Special Issue Statistical Significance and the Logic of Hypothesis Testing, 
editor Julio Stern


This paper represents the first steps towards constructing a paraconsistent 
theory of probability based on the Logics of Formal Inconsistency (LFIs). We 
show that LFIs encode very naturally an extension of the notion of probability 
able to express sophisticated probabilistic reasoning under contradictions 
employing appropriate notions of conditional probability and paraconsistent 
updating, via a version of Bayes’ theorem for conditionalization. We argue that 
the dissimilarity between the notions of inconsistency and contradiction, one 
of the pillars of LFIs, plays a central role in our extended notion of 
probability. Some critical historical and conceptual points about probability 
theory are also reviewed.
Keywords: paraconsistency;      probability;    contradiction;  consistency;    
logics of formal inconsistency

Open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License 
(CC BY 4.0).

Agradecemos ao Julio Stern pelo incentivo e pela abertura intelectual!!


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