Caros colegas,

este evento sobre cores e números foi pensado para ser uma plataforma de
discussoes no Nordeste brasileiro sobre filosofia da linguagem, da
matemática, da logica e da mente.

Nele, eh encorajado que temas importantes em filosofia analítica encontrem
diálogo com outras tradições, como a fenomenológica.

Em 2013, tivemos uma conferência dedicada ao colapso da primeira filosofia
de Wittgenstein. Em 2015, tratamos de razões para cores serem importantes
para diferentes filósofos e filosofias. Em 2017, pretendemos avançar
discussões em enativismo.

Vale destacar que o novo livro de Daniel Hutto e Erik Myin sobre Radical
Enactivism  será lançado neste evento em setembro com a presença de seus

Todos os interessados sao bem vindos em fortal!


On May 2, 2017 10:01 AM, "Francicleber M. Ferreira" <> wrote:

> Call for Abstracts
> III International Colloquium on Colours and Numbers (ICCN)
> 11 - 13 September 2017, Fortaleza, Brazil
> Contemporary philosophical discussion have been developing tenets
> in pragmatism (broadly construed) to motivate it as an alternative
> philosophical foundation for a comprehensive understanding of
> cognition, opposed to a far-reaching representationalist tradition.
> They call attention to the import of inherited and embodied practices
> and cooperation in order to understand language, intentionality and
> cognition. They take seriously evolving biological systems and
> situated individuals interacting in communities over time as
> preconditions of our rationality, features often dismissed as not
> central in the representationalist tradition.
> More recently, enactive approaches incorporate further biological
> insights into the discussion of cognition, by calling attention to
> basic facts about living organisms such as their perpetual activity of
> self-construction (autopoiesis), their need to be constantly adapting
> to the changing conditions of the environment (adaptivity), and their
> selective responsiveness to specific aspects of the environment
> creating their own world of significance (enaction). Following on this
> trend, radically enactivist approaches, then, take the bold movement
> of proposing the complete removal of any residue of representational
> content in the explanation of cognition in basic minds, not only for
> simple organism but also at human level.
> Together with embodied, embedded, ecological approaches, this research
> program has been very successful in providing explanations for a wide
> variety of basic cognitive phenomena. Now, the enactive approach to
> cognition faces the challenge of proving itself relevant for the
> investigation of traditional problems related to higher level
> cognition involving notions such as information, representation,
> thought, etc. To tackle such problems, this conference will welcome
> submissions on the following topics:
> * Topics of Interest
> - Enactivism x Representationalism
> - Enactivism and Pragmatism
> - Enactivism and Language
> - Enactivism and Intentionality
> - Enactive approaches to Perception, Memory, Imagination
> - Enactive approaches to Formal Sciences as Logic and Mathematics
> - Cognition and Artificial intelligence without content
> * Submissions
> We accept abstracts containing from 700 to 1000 words written in
> English describing your work in some of the topics above. Accepted
> works will be presented in time slots of 30 minutes.
> Abstracts should be sent to:
> A volume containing complete versions of selected works is being
> planned to be launched after the conference. Authors of selected
> abstracts will be invited to submit complete papers to this volume.
> * Invited Speakers (confirmed)
> Daniel Hutto (University of Wollongong, Australia)
> Erik Myin (Universiteit Antwerpen, Belgium)
> Tarcísio Pequeno (Federal University of Ceará, Brazil)
> Marcelo Carvalho (Federal University of São Paulo, Brazil)
> Glenda Satne (Alberto Hurtado University, Chile)
> Mario Villalobos (Universidad de Tarapacá, Chile)
> * Important Dates
> Submission Deadline: 20 May 2017
> Notification of Acceptance: 1 June 2017
> Conference Dates: 11 to 13 September 2017
> * Scientífic Committee
> Carlos Brito (Federal University of Ceará, Brazil)
> Daniel Hutto (University of Wollongong, Australia)
> Eryk Myin (Universiteit Antwerpen, Belgium)
> Tarcísio Pequeno (Federal University of Ceará, Brazil)
> Glenda Satne (Alberto Hurtado University, Chile)
> Marcos Silva (Federal University of Alagoas, Brazil)
> Mario Villalobos (Universidad de Tarapacá, Chile)
> * Organizing Committee
> Daniel Augusto
> Carlos Brito
> Francicleber Ferreira
> Marcos Silva
> Tiago Magalhães
> Victor Marques
> Yuri Nogueira
> * Contact:
> * For further information about former ICCN’s please visit:
> *
> --
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