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Transconsistent Logic Principle (II)
Zhang Jincheng

Zhang Jincheng has built a transconsistent logic system S-K. Based
on this, he proved that “Gödel’s Incompleteness Theorem”, “Cantor real
number uncountable theorem”,
 “Turing’s ‘halting problem’ is undecidable” are false.
He thinks that uncountable numbers do not exist. “ Cantor’ s continuum
hypothesis” is a wrong concept of infinity. The concept of infinity in the
classical mathematic set theory is false too. He redefined the concepts of
ordinal number, cardinal number and infinity.

O prefácio é do Huacan He, Computer School of Northwestern
Polytechnical University, China,
amigo do Jean-Yves,   keynote. speaker   de um dos  Unilogs.

Eu parei de ler. quando ele define (Omega+ 1) como  Lim n   (n--> \infty).
Aí é claro que Omega + 1  = Omega,   o conto chinês dele começa...
sem dizer o que é. \infty ....

Mas talvez alguém queira ler  até. o final,



Walter Carnielli
Centre for Logic, Epistemology and the History of Science and
Department of Philosophy –UNICAMP

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