Quick info: Where: Vichy, France
When:  June 16 - 20 2018
What: One-page abstract
NEW deadline:   November 15, 2017
Dear friends:

Attending to requests and aiming at maximizing  the opportunities for
participation, while offering a comfortable
rescheduling  we are  EXTENDING the deadline and  inviting  you to
submit a paper to the workshop

"Logic, Probability, and their Generalizations"

that is being. organized as part of the  6th World Congress and
School on Universal Logic
(June 16 - 20 2018, Vichy, France)

Abstracts (one page) should be sent by October 5, 2017 via e-mail to
within the following. (non exclusive)  topics:

Probabilistic generalizations of logic, including non-classical logics
Generalizations of probability measures (as credal calculi and others)
Interpretations of probability,
Philosophy of probability
Probabilistic argumentation and inference, and their generalizations
Questions on foundations of probability, including conditional probabilities
Abstracts (one page) should be sent by October 5, 2017 via e-mail to:

Waiting for your contribution,

Walter Carnielli & Juliana Bueno-Soler
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 Workshop aims:

Logic and Probability have a long partnership, having survived
together as a legacy from Leibniz, Bernoulli, De Morgan, Boole,
Bolzano, Peirce, Keynes, Carnap, Popper and several other contemporary
thinkers. According to this tradition, the problem of generalizing
logical consequence relations raises questions that transcends both
logic and probability, as a consequence of modern logical pluralism.
This also leads to a probability pluralism, represented by
non-standard theories of probability (i.e., theories of probability
based on non-classical logics) that open new avenues and pose new
challenges to theory and to applications.

All such tendencies and areas of investigation are naturally
generalized to possibility logics, necessity logics and other credal
calculi that extend probability, considering that belief can be
regarded as generalized probability or as evidence. This workshop
intends to contribute to the state-of-the-art of such research topics,
emphasizing the connections between all such topics.

Keynote Speaker:

David Miller
Dept of Philosophy, University of Warwick, UK

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Walter Carnielli
Centre for Logic, Epistemology and the History of Science and
Department of Philosophy
State University of Campinas –UNICAMP
13083-859 Campinas -SP, Brazil
Phone: (+55) (19) 3521-6517
Institutional e-mail: walter.carnie...@cle.unicamp.br
Website: http://www.cle.unicamp.br/prof/carnielli
CV Lattes : http://lattes.cnpq.br/1055555496835379

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