*** First Call for Papers: Structures and Deduction 2019 ***

SD’19: 5th Int. Workshop on Structures and Deduction 2019

Dortmund, June 29-30 2019 --- Affiliated with FSCD 2019

 Submission: April 12
 Notification: May 13

 Submission page: http://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=sd19
 Workshop page: http://anupamdas.com/sd19/
 FSCD 2019 page: http://easyconferences.eu/fscd2019/

SD’19 is the fifth in a series of workshops aiming to gather various
communities of structural proof theorists. As well as theoretical work
in the form of regular papers, we encourage submission of
implementations, tools and system descriptions.

*** Topics of interest ***

* Syntactic representations of proofs (e.g. sequent calculi, deep
inference, focusing)
* Combinatorial representations of proofs (e.g. proof nets)
* Algebraic representations of proofs (e.g. via game semantics or
category theory)
* Methods for proof manipulation and normal forms of proofs
* Formulas-as-types interpretations of proofs
* Computation and rewriting in proof search (e.g. deduction modulo and
cyclic proofs)
* Complexity theoretic aspects of proof representations

*** Invited Speakers ***


*** Programme Committee ***

David Cerna, Research Institute for Symbolic Computation, Austria.
Pierre Clairambault (co-chair), Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon, France.
Anupam Das (co-chair), University of Copenhagen, Denmark.
Alessio Guglielmi, University of Bath, UK.
Stepan Kuztnetsov, Steklov Mathematical Institute of RAS, Russia.
Sonia Marin (co-chair), IT-University of Copenhagen, Denmark.
Guillaume Munch-Maccagnoni, Inria Bretagne, France.
Elaine Pimentel, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Brasil.
Benjamin Ralph, Inria Saclay, France.

*** Submission guidelines ***

We welcome submission of work that has already been published or
currently submitted to a journal or conference. The following
submission categories are welcome:

* Extended abstracts (up to 8 pages). Finished work, system
descriptions, surveys.
* Short abstracts (up to 4 pages). Work-in-progress, perspectives on
existing work.

The page limits above are only recommendations, there is no hard upper
or lower bound, within reason.

Please prepare your work using the EasyChair style files:


*** Publication ***

We do not intend to have published proceedings, as we encourage people
to present work in progress, or material that is already submitted. If
there is a strong demand among the participants we may organise a
special issue of an open access journal for full papers.

*** Contact ***

We can be reached by email directly or via


The organisers.
Pierre Clairambault, Anupam Das, and Sonia Marin

Elaine Pimentel  - DMAT/UFRN

Address: Departamento de Matemática
    Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte
    Campus Universitário - Av. Senador Salgado Filho, s/nº
    Lagoa Nova, CEP: 59.078-970 - Natal - RN

Phone: +55 84 3215-3820

Lattes: http://lattes.cnpq.br/3298246411086415

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