A propósito disto trago assunto relevante para a comunidade acadêmica que foi 
manchete nos jornais:

Diz a Constituição Federal:

“Art. 207. As universidades gozam de autonomia didático-científica, 
administrativa e de gestão financeira e patrimonial, e obedecerão ao princípio 
de indissociabilidade entre ensino, pesquisa e extensão.
    § 1º É facultado às universidades admitir professores, técnicos e 
cientistas estrangeiros, na forma da lei.
    § 2º O disposto neste artigo aplica-se às instituições de pesquisa 
científica e tecnológica.”

Dizem os jornais do dia 30 de abril de 2019:

MEC cortará verba de universidade por 'balbúrdia' e já mira UnB, UFF e UFBA

O Ministério da Educação (MEC) vai cortar recursos de universidades que não 
apresentarem desempenho acadêmico esperado e, ao mesmo tempo, estiverem 
promovendo "balbúrdia" em seus câmpi, afirmou o ministro Abraham Weintraub ao 
jornal O Estado de S. Paulo.


Bloqueio de verba de universidade por motivo ideológico fere Constituição
A ameaça do governo Jair Bolsonaro (PSL) de bloquear 30% dos recursos de 
custeio de três universidades federais –UnB, UFBA e UFF– por motivos 
ideológicos fere a Constituição, segundo especialistas.
A afirmação do ministro, Abraham Weintraub que essas universidades teriam 
também fraco desempenho ignora os resultados positivos dessas instituições em 
indicadores do ensino superior.

Tirem suas conclusões, por favor. Mas, a mim me parece óbvio o erro do Ministro.

Most problems of teaching are not problems of growth but helping cultivate 
growth. As far as I know, and this is only from personal experience in 
teaching, I think about ninety percent of the problem in teaching, or maybe 
ninety-eight percent, is just to help the students get interested. 
Noam Chomsky 

> On 30 Apr 2019, at 17:55, Marcos Silva <marcossilv...@gmail.com> wrote:
> ---------- Forwarded message ---------
> Daily Nous
> Open Letter Regarding President Bolsonaro’s Recent Pronouncements on 
> Defunding Philosophy and Sociology
> Below is a letter responding to Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro’s recent 
> declarations that he is considering a plan to withdraw funding for the study 
> and teaching of philosophy and sociology at public universities in Brazil.
> Written by Sergio Tenenbaum (University of Toronto), Alice Pinheiro Walla 
> (University of Bayreuth), and Catarina Dulith Novaes (VU Amsterdam), the 
> letter is open for academics from around the world to sign. (To sign, use the 
> form at the end of the letter.)
> Open Letter Regarding President Bolsonaro’s Recent Pronouncements on 
> Defunding Philosophy and Sociology
> We, the undersigned academics around the world, would like to express our 
> alarm and concern about President Bolsonaro’s recent claims that he is 
> planning to defund Philosophy and Sociology (and possibly other areas in the 
> Humanities and social sciences). Brazilian public universities have produced 
> internationally recognized major research in both of these areas. Philosophy 
> and Sociology are fundamental disciplines of any modern university, and, 
> given the interdisciplinary nature of the university, defunding them will 
> affect not only research in these specific areas, but also the reputation, 
> and the quality of research and teaching, of Brazilian universities across 
> all areas. In fact, it is ironic that Philosophy is singled out in this 
> respect, as philosophers in Brazil were among the pioneers of paraconsistent 
> logic, a research program that has had impact in such diverse areas as 
> robotics and expert systems for medical diagnosis.
> President Bolsonaro implies in his remarks that public funding should flow 
> exclusively to professional schools. These are certainly important programs. 
> However, a democratic society depends not only on its commercial productive 
> output, but also on its social institutions, its understanding of their 
> foundations and governing principles, as well as its understanding of how 
> these policies and institutions affect its population. Research in social 
> sciences and humanities, and especially Philosophy and Sociology, is vital to 
> such an understanding. The contribution of academics to public debates is 
> also of crucial importance to a well functioning democracy.
> Students taking courses in these areas learn to think critically about their 
> conditions, and the broader condition of the society and the world around 
> them. But also the wider public and Brazilian society benefit from the 
> intellectual expertise from philosophers and sociologists.
> Thus an attack on Philosophy and Sociology, as well as the humanities and 
> social sciences more generally, is an attack on the very fabric of a 
> democratic society. We call on the Bolsonaro government to reconsider such 
> proposals, and we call on all citizens of Brazil to join us in preserving 
> public support of the social sciences and humanities in Brazil.
> [emailpetition id=”2″] [signaturelist id=”2″]
> Please sign the open letter using the above form. (Note that a valid email 
> confirmation of your signing is required; your email address will not be 
> publicly displayed nor used for any other purpose.)
> Reply to this email to add a comment. Your email address will not be shown.   
> You're invited to comment on this post by replying to this email. If you do, 
> it may be published immediately or held for moderation, depending on the 
> comment policy of Daily Nous.   
> » View this post online
> You received this email because you're subscribed to new posts from Daily 
> Nous. To unsubscribe reply with the word 'unsubscribe'.
> Sent from Daily Nous. Delivered by Postmatic.
> -- 
> Marcos Silva
> https://sites.google.com/site/marcossilvarj/
> Philosophie macht Spaß!
> "How Colours Matter to Philosophy" (Springer, 2017)
> http://www.springer.com/us/book/9783319673974
> "Colours in Wittgenstein's Philosophical Development" (Palgrave, 2017)
> http://www.palgrave.com/br/book/9783319569185
> -- 
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