
  Nesta quinta-feira  23/04  farei uma palestra  remota via Zoom,
através do LMU- Munique.
A participação é aberta através do ID e senha abaixo.

Na próxima  quinta-feira 30 de abril. no mesmo horário a Juliana  fará
sua palestra também.

Gostaria de ver vocês por lá!



Remote Talk organized by  the  Munich Center (Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität
München),  Thursday  April  23th, 2020

Via Zoom
Meeting ID: 925-6562-2309
Password: 621422

"The Brazilian Paraconsistency Program and its unfoldings"
Walter Carnielli
Centre for Logic, Epistemology and the History of Science- CLE
University of Campinas-Unicamp

This talk intends to expound the main ideas. and collaborators under
the  Brazilian Paraconsistency Program (BPP) as founded in the Logics
of Formal Inconsistency (LFIs) and in the Logics of Formal
Undeterminateness (LFUs). The main academic developments under
investigation at BPP are in the areas of:

- The foundations of BPP (collaboration  with J. Marcos, M.E. Coniglio))
-Philosophy: Contradictions do not need to be ‘real’, they can be
understood at the level of information and evidence (collaboration with
A. Rodrigues. H. Antunes. B. Mendonça);
-Information and reasoning: Paraconsistent logics can be added to our
arsenal of rationality, especially when combined with quantitative
methods: probability, credal calculi and evidence expanded
(collaboration with  A. Rodrigues, J. Bueno-Soler);

-Foundations of mathematics: new and natural set theories, models for
such theories (collaboration with  M.E. Coniglio);
-New semantics for non-standard logics: possible-translations
semantics, society semantics, Fidel structures, twist structures
(collaboration with  M.E. Coniglio , A. Figallo-Orellano. M. C. Golzio);
-New perspectives on Gödel’s Incompleteness: proofs of incompleteness
cannot be obtained in the paraconsistent paradigm (experimenting with
automatic proof theory, Isabelle) (collaboration   with  D. Fuenmayor).

Two basic questions to be addressed are:

1) What is the nature of contradictions that are accepted in
paraconsistent logics?
2) Can paraconsistent logics be really useful?

The talk also intends to explain why BPP has  gained influence on contemporary
computer science, since databases, especially Big Data and the World
Wide Web, automatization of complex arguments, etc, are almost
inevitably contradictory.

Remote Talk organized by  the  Munich Center (Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität
München),  Thursday  April  30th, 2020

Via Zoom
Meeting ID: to be announced
Password:   to be announced

"Plain fibring combination of polynomic logics"
Juliana Bueno-Soler
School of Technology
University of Campinas

The combination of logics is a powerful technique which permits
systematic generation of new logic systems. Combinations can be
homogeneous or heterogeneous depending whether the systems combined
are or not presented by the same proof methods. In this talk I
consider the homogeneous technique of Plain Fibring which is dedicated to
combining logics defined by matrix semantics.

The polynomial ring calculus is a technique which permits to describe a
logical system by a set of finite polynomials defined over an appropriate
field. This method can be applied to different classes of logics as many-valued
logics, modal logics, paraconsistent logics and first order logic.

A natural question is whether it is possible to obtain systematically
a polynomial ring calculus for the combined systems. In order to
answer this question wedefine the method of plain fibring of polynomic
logics (polynomial
representations of matrix logics), as a companion to the method of
combining matrix logics, proposed by M. E. Coniglio and V. Fernandez
and fully developed in the book"Analysis and Synthesis of Logics",
Canielli et allia, Springer, 2007.(This is a joint workwith Mariana

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