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Job description

In the framework of the interdisciplinary ANR-funded research project
CRISP (Addressing the Challenge of Research Integrity in Scientific
Practices), the Archives Henri Poincaré (Nancy, France) seeks to
recruit a one-year postdoctoral researcher with modeling and
programming skills.

Scientific context of the project

The research project CRISP aims to explore the conditions in which
institutional action and discourse on research integrity can improve
research practices, to anticipate their impact on research practices
and organization of research, and to propose recommendations.
Inquiries carried out in the framework of the project are expected to
be sensitive to the actual structure and dynamics of the sciences,
academic disciplines, and the nature of everyday research practices,
in all their diversity. See http://www.crisp.ens.psl.eu/ for more
information about the whole research project.

Scientific aim of the postdoc position

Within the above project, the postdoctoral researcher is expected to
investigate factors, aspects or contexts that favor or disfavor the
detrimental effects of misconduct and questionable research practices,
to explore how the individual and collective levels interact with each
other, and to provide clues about which relevant policies and policy
levers may be adopted to favor research integrity at the individual
level and to improve the quality of science at the global level.

Methodology: using formal models of scientific communities

The postdoctoral researcher will contribute to the above aim by using
formal models of scientific communities.

Philosophers of science have already investigated plausible models of
scientific inquiries and the effects of potential biases in
experimental dynamics. The model of experimental inquiry initially
developed by Zollman (2010), in particular, is well-studied,
appropriate to describe investigation about empirical hypothesis
(typically drugs, which is a relevant pick for potential RI
violations), and versatile enough to investigate the combined effects
of evidence-driven methods, individuals biases, and institutional
factors. It has already been used to provide results on the impacts of
the connectivity of networks, the benefits of entertaining competing
hypotheses in scientific communities, the usefulness of agents who
investigate less consensual hypotheses (Rosenstock et al. 2017), or
the effects of scientific conservatism (Frey and Šešelja, 2019).
Overall, it seems suited to investigate the collective effects of RI
violations. Relevant results have already been produced by Holman and
Bruner (2015, 2017), for example about the effects of intransigent
agents in communities of truth-seekers or about the impact of funding

To reach the scientific aim described above, the post-doctoral
researcher is expected either to build on the above Zollman et al.
framework, or on different kinds of models (not necessarily coming
from philosophy). The project is open on this point, and this issue
can be discussed in the interview (if the candidate has some ideas on
this point) or at the beginning of the position.

Profile of the candidate and description of the position

The successful candidate must have obtained a Ph.D. (or expect to have
obtained their Ph.D. by the time the post commences), and their
profile should match one of the following two:

- a philosopher of science or social epistemologist with modeling and
programming skills,

- a computer scientist or applied mathematician familiar with
agent-based simulations and interested in the modeling of human and
social interactions.

Across all profiles, a strong international publication list is highly
appreciated, and so is a willingness and ability to work in
interdisciplinary collaborative research projects. The knowledge of a
particular programming language is not required.

Language: Knowledge of English is required. Knowledge of French is not.

Duration: 12 months. Starting date is flexible, in September 2021 or
later in 2021-2022, to be discussed.

Salary: Net monthly salary: 2200€. In the French System, benefits are
paid by the employer (in particular national health insurance, which
covers main medical costs for the worker and direct family;
unemployment benefit after the position; pension benefits). The gross
monthly salary is 2650 € and the total cost for the employer is
roughly 54 k€.

Place: The recruited postdoc will be affiliated to the Lorraine
partner of the project (Archives Poincaré, Nancy, France) and under
the scientific supervision of Dr. Cyrille Imbert (Archives Poincaré,
Nancy, France) and Thomas Boyer-Kassem (MAPP, Poitiers, France),
within the ANR project CRISP led by Pr. Stéphanie Ruphy (ENS, Paris,

The CRISP project offers a vibrant and scientifically tailored context
to carry out this project. It includes philosophers of science and
scholars working in behavioral economy, sociology, psychology, and
law.  See http://www.crisp.ens.psl.eu/ for more details.

The postdoc is expected to present and discuss their work with the
relevant seminars and workshops organized within CRISP. Investigations
will be carried out in collaboration with Cyrille Imbert and Thomas

For informal inquiry, please write to cyrille.imb...@univ-lorraine.fr.

How to apply

Deadline for applications: June 8, 2021.

Applications should be made online via the CNRS employment platform
(https://bit.ly/2Sl0sO5). Please include:

- a CV;

- a letter of interest (max 1 page): Briefly state why you are
interested in joining the project, briefly describe your research
accomplishments, your areas of expertise and technical skills,

- a short research statement/project (max 2 pages): describe how you
intend to contribute to the project and to what extent your expertise
is well-suited to it. Depending on either your philosophy or computer
science background, you can insist more on links with existing
literature, or modeling hypotheses, or coding.

- a published or unpublished scholarly paper, or dissertation chapter,
that best represents the quality of your work (it need not be directly
linked to the present project);

Short-listed candidates will be invited to online interviews conducted
by the steering committee of the CRISP project shortly after the
closure of the call, and final decisions will be made before the end
of June.

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