Correção: 27/05 (quinta-feira).

Em seg, 24 de mai de 2021 08:00, Bruno Lopes <> escreveu:

> Numa iniciativa conjunta da Sociedade Brasileira de Lógica e do Grupo de
> Interesse em Lógica da Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, gostaríamos de
> convidar a todos a participarem do Seminário "Lógicos em Quarentena".
> Trata-se de um seminário remoto com apresentações informais por membros
> da comunidade e espaço para perguntas no fim. As apresentações usualmente
> são gravadas e disponibilizadas na página do evento (com
> a agenda completa).
> Data: 17 de maio de 2021 (quinta-feira)
> Horário: 16:00h GMT-3
> Apresentador: Michael Shulman (University of San Diego)
> Título: Linear logic for constructive mathematics
> Resumo:
> Informally, "constructivism" is a programme of mathematics aiming to
> ensure that anything asserted to exist must be explicitly constructed. It
> is generally practiced using "intuitionistic logic", which achieves this by
> rejecting the "law of excluded middle' (the claim that all statements are
> either true or false). The same result is also achieved by Girard's "linear
> logic", which instead restricts the number of times each hypothesis can be
> used in a proof; but essentially no practicing constructivists today use
> linear logic. I will show that intuitionistic and linear approaches to
> constructive mathematics are intimately connected, through an
> interpretation of the latter into the former based on the categorical "Chu
> construction". In particular, many odd features of intuitionistic
> mathematics, such as inequality relations, anti-subgroups, and apartness
> spaces, arise automatically and unavoidably by translating natural
> definitions from linear logic across this interpretation. Thus linear logic
> can be used as a "high-level tool" for intuitionistic mathematics, and we
> also obtain a "migration path" towards a potential constructive mathematics
> based natively on linear logic instead.
> A apresentação ocorrerá pelo Google Meet através do link público
> .
> --
> Bruno Lopes
> Professor Adjunto
> Instituto de Computação
> Universidade Federal Fluminense

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