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Meet your Heroes!

ESSLLI 2021 26/07 - 13/08, Online


Why do we all love ESSLLI? Because courses are great, and they are taught
by fantastic lecturers. Because it is an opportunity to meet people from
all over the world that share our interests. Because we get to meet our
“heroes”, the authors of that book or paper that sparkled our love on the
subject we are now learning!

What a pity that ESSLLI 2021 is going to be held virtually ☹: no
interaction, no chance to meet  the people who shaped the field, no coffee
with friends discussing crazy great ideas...  No, no, no, this can't be!!!
The ESSLLI community is strong and enthusiastic; and we are going to find a
way to do all this.

Are you attending ESSLLI 2021? Then think of a person you would really like
to meet at ESSLLI, your research hero or heroine. The person who has
influenced you most, who is your role model, who you think is brilliant,
who could know the answer to the research question that does not let you
sleep at night.

Fill in this form with info about you and your heroes, and we will invite
them to ESSLLI! Virtually, of course, but we are sure it would be a
wonderful experience, nevertheless. We cannot promise that we will succeed
in making your dream come true, but we will surely do our best.

Form: https://forms.gle/D4XSmducHgqb8t3g7

The form will be closed on the 30th of June at 12:00 CEST. Priority will be
given to participants who have registered to ESSLLI by then. Note, you can
apply for a fee waiver till the 11th of June.

Carlos Areces, Raffaella Bernardi and Malvina Nissim

ESSLLI 2021 Diversity and Inclusion Committee

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