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              NCMPL 2021 - Deadline Extension Announcement

Updates and changes:

- The deadline for contributions has been extended till 15 September 2021
- Both online and on-site options for participation/presentation are planned
- The conference fee is cancelled for both modes of participation

      *** Non-classical Modal and Predicate Logics, NCMPL 2021 ***
        Ruhr University of Bochum, Germany, 23-26 November 2021

Modalities and predicates have since ancient time been central
notions of logic.  In the 20th century, various systems of
non-classical logics have emerged, with applications in many
disciplines like Computer Science, Linguistics, Mathematics,
and Philosophy. This gave rise to the questions of a non-classical
treatment of quantifiers and modalities and the accommodation of
quantifiers and modalities in non-classical logics. In response,
various modal and predicate variants of non-classical logics have
been introduced and studied in the past decades.

NCMPL is a conference series solely dedicated to modal and
predicate non-classical logics. The aim of the conference is to bring
together researchers from various branches of non-classical
logics, not only to present recent advances in their particular fields,
but also to identify common problems and methods and foster the
exchange of ideas between researchers from separate fields.

After two editions in Sun Yat-Sen University, Guangzhou (Canton), China,
the third edition will be held in Bochum, Germany, November 23-26, 2021.
Due to ongoing travel restrictions, the conference will be held in a
hybrid format (both on-site and online).

== Topics of interest ==

* The study of first- or higher-order variants of non-classical logics,
   including, but not limited to:
   - Predicate intuitionistic and superintuitionistic logics
   - Predicate modal logics
   - Predicate substructural logics (relevant, linear, fuzzy, etc.)
   - Predicate many-valued and partial logics
   - Predicate paraconsistent logics
   - Predicate contra-classical logics
   - Predicate non-monotonic logics, etc.

* Non-classical theories of quantification (over classical logic as well
   as non-classical logics), such as:
   - Free logics
   - Branching quantifiers, dependence logic, and IF-logic
   - Generalized quantifiers
   - Propositional quantification

* Expansions by modalities of (propositional or predicate) non-classical
   logics, including:
   - Modal extensions of (super)intuitionistic, substructural,
     many-valued, paraconsistent, non-monotonic, etc., logics
   - Co-algebraic treatment of modalities

* Non-classical and non-standard mathematics, including:
   - Intuitionistic and constructive mathematics
   - Substructural mathematics (relevant, fuzzy, etc.)
   - Inconsistent mathematics
   - Non-standard analysis, alternative set theories, etc.

The scope includes theoretical works on the above topics coming from
all branches of formal logic (proof-theory, model theory, game theory,
computational complexity, philosophical and historical aspects), as well
as their applications in computer science, linguistics, philosophy, etc.

Strong papers on propositional logics can also be accepted, provided
they relate to the themes in the main scope of the conference (e.g.,
the study of completions in algebraic semantics, infinitary logics, etc.).

Full versions of selected papers will be published in a special
issue of an international peer-reviewed journal (to be specified).

== Submissions ==

Extended abstracts of 2-3 pages should be submitted via EasyChair,
at https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=ncmpl2021

== Important dates ==

Abstract submission deadline: 15 September, 2021 (extended)
Notification of acceptance:     15 October, 2021
Conference:                 23-26 November, 2021

== Conference format and registration ==

The conference is planned to be hybrid (both on-site and online).
Participants unable to attend in person will have the option to
present their talks remotely and follow the sessions online.

There is no conference fee, but registration is required for
on-site as well as online participation. Registration (at the
conference website, https://sites.google.com/view/ncmpl2021)
will open in October.

== Invited speakers ==

Marta Bilkova
Liron Cohen
Oystein Linnebo
Tadeusz Litak
Carles Noguera
Graham Priest
Valentin Shehtman
Zach Weber

== Program committee ==

Libor Behounek (chair)
Heinrich Wansing (chair)
Arnon Avron
Agata Ciabattoni
Petr Cintula
Ed Mares
Alessandra Palmigiano
Dolf Rami
Peter Schuster
Christian Strasser
Yde Venema
Fan Yang

== Organizing committee ==

Hitoshi Omori (chair)
Fabio De Martin Polo
Franci Mangraviti
Satoru Niki
Daniel Skurt
Andrew Tedder
Heinrich Wansing
Timo Weiss

== Contacts ==

Web:    https://sites.google.com/view/ncmpl2021
Email:  ncmpl2...@rub.de


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