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LogTeach-22:  Why and how to teach Logic for CS undergraduates?

Call for papers

LogTeach-22: LICS 2022 Workshop (July 31 and August 1, 2022, Haifa)

Why and how to teach Logic for CS undergraduates?

Scientific justification
Logic is one of the pillars of the foundation of Computer Science,
with Algorithmic Mathematics, Information Theory, and Electronics.
Consequently various versions of Logic courses used to be part of the
undergraduate syllabus
of Computer Science. However, as witnessed by the variety of conferences
related to Logic present
at the  FLoC event, the emphasis has moved from the foundation to
of Logic in Computer Science. Each of these conferences deal with topics
suitable for advanced undergraduate
and graduate courses, which require some Logic based prerequisite.
On the other hand, Logic courses in the undergraduate syllabus have been
forced to make place for
courses deemed more suitable for the education of future specialists and
practitioners working in IT.
Many of the top Universities worldwide have dropped foundational Logic
courses for undergraduates
for more practical oriented courses, turning undergraduate CS  programs
into programs more suitable
for what used to be vocational colleges and professional schools.

Time has come to critically reflect upon and reevaluate the role of
Logic in the undergraduate syllabus.
It seems clear that the classical Logic in CS courses have no place
there anymore. They seem to teach
and emphasize the wrong narrative of logic as taught by tradition.
However, it seems also clear that eliminating
Logic courses all together is counter productive.
The purpose of the workshop is the prepare a proposal for a logic
course Logic-2020 which is useful and acceptable for University
undergraduates in CS, and which can serve
as a prerequisite for the many diverse branches of applied logic.

"Logic may be not very useful, if you know it, but very harmful, if you
ignore it" (Georg Kreisel)

Invited speakers
* Moshe Vardi (Rice University, Houston TX, USA)

The purpose of the workshop is to prepare a joint position paper to be
published possibly in
the Communications of ACM, or a similar prominent place, with
recommendations for the future
of teaching Logic for undergraduate CS-students.
We plan to have presentations of position papers (30 minutes, including
and invited lectures (60 minutes including discussion), followed by a
two hour panel discussion.

Workshop organizers and Program Committee
J.A. Makowsky (Technion, Haifa, Israel)
E.V. Ravve (ORT Braude, Karmiel, Israel)
S.N. Artemov (CUNY, New York, USA)
S. Szeider (Technical University, Vienna, Austria)

Dates and Location
FLOC is planned to be a conference with physical presence (possibly
hybrid) in Haifa.
The final decision on this will be made by May 1, 2022.

* Deadline for  abstract submission of papers: 10. May, 2022
* Deadline for submission of papers: 20. May, 2022
* Notification of acceptance: 15. June, 2022
* Submission link https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=logteach22

For further information and questions contact:

Prof. emeritus J.A. Makowsky
Faculty of Computer Science
Technion - Israel Institute of Technology
Haifa 32000

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