
Dear participants of the Kyiv Trends in Logic XX conference, dear
colleagues and friends:

First of all, we would like to thank international logical community for
all the support and solidarity with the Ukrainian people, which we obtain
these days from the colleagues from all over the world! We strongly believe
that the good will prevail, Putin’s criminal regime will be destroyed, and
war crimes and crimes against humanity of the Russian aggressors will not
go unpunished.

It is with great regret that we should inform you that under present
circumstances our conference cannot take place in May 2022 as we have
planed, therefore we have to cancel it. We very much hope that after the
war we will be able to organize in Kyiv (with the support of Studia Logica)
a special conference, to which everybody of you will be invited.

Thank you for your understanding,
Iryna Khomenko,
Yaroslav Shramko
(On behalf of the Organizing Committee)

This email has been sent via Studia Logica address list;
see also http://www.StudiaLogica.org and

We acknowledge the use of the following mailing list:
Algebra Universalis researchers
Logicians in Japan: logic...@fos.kuis.kyoto-u.ac.jp
Logicians in China and Singapore
Polish Association for Logic and Philosophy of Science
Best Regards
Krzysztof Pszczola       (www.StudiaLogica.org webmaster)

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